State Officers (2024-2025)

SK Francisco “Frank” Carmona State Deputy

Rev. Robert “Dominic” Briese, O.P. State Chaplain

SK William McCauley, FMFD State Secretary

SK Stephen Gerichs State Treasurer

SK Giancarlo Gazani State Advocate

SK Chad Vargo State Warden

SK William “Bill” Kelly, PSD Immediate Past State Deputy

State Team Helpers

SK Nick Nielson, PSD Utah District Master
State Council Advisor;
President, Utah Knights on Bikes

Rev. Gabriel Mosher, O.P. Asst. State Chaplain

Rev. Dominic Sternhagen Asst. State Chaplain

Rev. Erik J. Richsteig State Chaplain Emeritus

SK Chuck Davlin, PSD Regional Growth Director – West (Supreme)

SK William “Bill” Kelly, PSD Membership Director

District Deputies and Wardens (2024-2025)

District Map on Google Maps


District Deputy 001 (777, 9849, 12959) SK George Muggee

District Deputy 002 (602, 5502, 12264) SK Joe Nesi

District Deputy 003 (6966, 11479, 13646) SK Alex Reynoso

District Deputy 004 (1136, 8606, 9561) SK Jon Gauchay

District Deputy 005 (7961, 12181, 14239) SK Robert Diaz

District Deputy 006 (5214, 10304, 13297) Tim Soran Jr.

District Deputy 007 (10733, 11246, 11812*) SK Robert E Masse Jr, PSD

District Deputy 008 (6739, 9731, 17140) SK Barry Stine

District Deputy 009 (6010, 14399, 16127) SK Stacey A Yeager

District Deputy 010 (14764, 15418) SK Richard Green

District Deputy 011 (1129, 7401) SK Tom DeMars

District Deputy 012 (2611, 6147)SK William Mundy

District Deputy 013 (5347, 8350)SK Marco Gonzalez

Coming Events

XX[3/5-4/13] 40 Days for Life (Spring 2025)
03-05-2025 - 04-13-2025
Planned Parenthood - Metro Health Center, 160 S 1000 E #120, Salt Lake City, UT 84102, USA
What is 40 Days for Life?  
It is a 40-day campaign that aims to end abortion locally through prayer & fasting, peaceful hourly vigils, and community outreach. Although the U.S. Supreme Court decided in Dobbs v. Jackson that the Constitution has no provision for abortion; sadly in Utah, elective abortions are still being conducted.
Why 40 Days?  Throughout Biblical history, God has used 40-day periods to transform individuals, communities, and nations...
* Noah was transformed by 40 days of rain.
* Moses was transformed by 40 days on Mount Sinai
* David was transformed by Goliath's 40 day challenge
How can I get involved?  Prayer & Fasting: Ask for 40 Days Devotional Booklets (E-mail Contact below).
Peaceful Vigils: Sign-up for one hour a week on the website (below) to pray with a buddy for the end of abortion.  We value your time and effort, so if you can't commit weekly, just show up when you can (with a buddy). 
Vigil Location: Outside Planned Parenthood Metro, 160 S. 1000 East 84102
Vigil Hours: Between 7am – 7pm, Monday-Sunday starting Wed. March 5 through Sun.  April 13th.
Community Outreach: Show your support. E-mail requests for Yard signs and Bumper stickers. We deliver.
Contact: Barbara Granja,, 385-799-5433
~~Please join us for the Kick-Off Prayer Rally – Tue. March 04 @ 5:30pm.
Outside Planned Parenthood Metro 160 S. 1000 East
Go to Event
03-05-2025 - 04-13-2025 [3/5-4/13] 40 Days for Life (Spring 2025)
XXFraternal Training: Best Practices for Council Fundraising
03-26-2025   8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Virtual Training Webinar
March 26, 2025 8:00 PM........Best Practices for Council Fundraising
Best Practices for Council Fundraising
March 26, 2025 at 8:00 PM MDT
The aim of this session is to help council leaders navigate the planning and implementation of successful fundraising opportunities. We'll consider best practices, council circumstances, practical examples and even review some virtual payment options councils can adopt.
If you can't join us live, the webinar will be available afterwards to watch on-demand at your convenience - sign up now to ensure you get the link for this important webinar.
To Register, please fill out the form to the right where it says, "Complete this form to enter the webcast." Then click the yellow "Submit" button.
The Fraternal Training Calendar is online at
2025.02.20.FLA -
Go to Event
8:00 pm Fraternal Training: Best Practices for Council Fundraising
XXFish Fry (1 of 2) (Council 14399)
03-28-2025   5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Holy Family Catholic Church, 1100 E 5550 S, Ogden, UT 84403, USA
Location: Holy Family Social Hall (1100 E 5550 S, S Ogden, Utah 84403) ~ Stations of the cross at 5:30 p.m. ~ Cost: Donation. ~ Menu: TBA. ~ Contact info Name Mike McMahon Email Phone (801) 809-8480 ~~ 2025 Fish Frys: 3/28 and 4/11.
Go to Event
5:00 pm Fish Fry (1 of 2) (Council 14399)
XXFish Fry (2 of 3) (Council 6010)
03-28-2025   5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
St Rose of Lima Catholic Church, 210 Chapel St, Layton, UT 84041, USA
From: Steve Sevier
Date: Tue, Jan 7, 2025 at 2:07 PM
Subject: Lenten Fish Frys
Council 6010 will have three Fish Fry's during the Lenten Season: March 7th, March 28th, and April 11th.
We will sell them in the St. Rose Social Center between 5:00 and 7:00 PM.
POC is Community Director Dennis Martinez 801-540-7614 - Menu: Fried Fish Filet, French Fries, Cole Slaw.
Prices are TBD.
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5:00 pm Fish Fry (2 of 3) (Council 6010)
XXFounder's Day {GOLD}
03-29-2025   All Day Event

Remember 2020?
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All Day Founder's Day {GOLD}
XXHG: New Ceremonial (125th Anniversary) (A2577)
03-29-2025   1:30 pm - 7:15 pm
Saint Vincent de Paul Catholic Church, Holladay, 1375 Spring Ln, Holladay, UT 84117, USA
11:00 AM Setup Chamber (Ceremonial team, volunteers) [Benvegnu Center]
01:30 PM Color Corps assemble, practice [Benvegnu Center]
02:00 PM Registration starts (candidate check-in) [Benvegnu Center]
02:45 PM Registration closes [Benvegnu Center]
03:00 PM Degree Exemplification Begins (with Families and Guests) (HG, CG) [Benvegnu Center]
04:30 PM Ceremonial Complete, HG assembles for Mass [Church]
05:00 PM Mass (HG) [Church]
06:15 PM Social [Holy Family Hall]
07:00 PM Banquet Dinner, (CG) [Holy Family Hall]
Host Assembly: 2577 ~
Go to Event
1:30 pm HG: New Ceremonial (125th Anniversary) (A2577)
XX4-Patriotic (New) Live (English/Spanish) Saint Vincent de Paul, Holladay
03-29-2025   2:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Saint Vincent de Paul Catholic Church, Holladay, 1375 Spring Ln, Holladay, UT 84117, USA
11:00 AM Setup Chamber (Ceremonial team, volunteers) [Benvegnu Center]
01:30 PM Color Corps assemble, practice [Benvegnu Center]
02:00 PM Registration starts (candidate check-in) [Benvegnu Center]
02:45 PM Registration closes [Benvegnu Center]
03:00 PM Degree Exemplification Begins (with Families and Guests) (HG, CG) [Benvegnu Center]
04:30 PM Ceremonial Complete, HG assembles for Mass [church]
05:00 PM Mass (HG) [Church]
06:15 PM Social [Holy Family Hall]
07:00 PM Banquet Dinner, (CG) [Holy Family Hall]
Host Assembly: 2577 ~
Go to Event
2:00 pm 4-Patriotic (New) Live (English/Spanish) Saint Vincent de Paul, Holladay
XXSave The Date: UTAH has New 4th Degree! 125 Candidates!
03-29-2025   2:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Saint Vincent de Paul Catholic Church, Holladay, 1375 Spring Ln, Holladay, UT 84117, USA
Rough/Draft Schedule:
2:00 PM Candidate Check-in (Benvegnu Center)
3:00 PM Ceremonial Starts (Benvegnu Center)
4:30 PM Ceremonial Complete, Mass Honor Guard assembles
5:00 PM Mass (Church)
6:15 PM Social (Holy Family Hall)
7:00 PM Dinner Banquet (Holy Family Hall)
~~2024.11.18: Details TBA.  Expect location to be in Salt Lake County.
Contact District Master Nick Nielson for information.
Go to Event
2:00 pm Save The Date: UTAH has New 4th Degree! 125 Candidates!

Submit your event

Have an upcoming Knights event to promote? Use this form Click Here – UT KofC Event Form 

Program Directors & Chairmen (2024-2025)

Membership Director: Utah SK William “Bill” Kelly, IPSD

Program Director: Utah SK Sean Wink

Faith Director: Utah SK Paul Tinker

Community Director: Utah SK Chad Vargo

Life Director: Utah SK Patrick Schmitt

Family Director: Utah SK Giancarlo Gazani

Evangelization & Faith Formation Director: Utah SK Daniel Quintanilla

Youth Director: Utah SK Jon Gauchay

Awards/Report Forms Director: Utah SK William McCauley, FMFD

Ceremonials Director: Utah SK Karl VanMaren

Membership Retention Chairman: Utah SK William McCauley, FMFD

Council Retention Chairman: Utah SK Robert E Masse, Jr., PSD

Council Reactivation Chairman: Utah SK Robert E Masse, Jr., PSD

New Council Development Chairman: Utah SK William “Bill” Kelly, IPSD

Online Membership Chairman: Utah SK Doug Shane, PSD

Hispanic Council Growth Coordinator: Utah SK Marco Gonzalez

College Councils Coordinator: Utah SK Richard Green

Insurance Promotion Chairman: Utah SK William Mundy

Young Adult Outreach Chairman: Utah SK Daniel Quintanilla

Round Table Chairman: Utah SK Robert E Masse, Jr., PSD

Vocations Chairman: Utah SK Andy Airriess, PSD

Public Relations Chairman: Utah SK Marco Gonzalez

Campaign For People With Intellectual Disabilities Chairman: Utah SK Thomas V Demars, Jr.

Special Olympics Chairman: Utah SK David Matyjasik

Athletic Events Chairman: Utah Vacant – See State Deputy

Free Throw Chairman: Utah SK Ron Mecham

Soccer Challenge Chairman: Utah SK Dennis Robles

Squires Chairman: Utah Vacant – See State Deputy

Pilgrim Icon Chairman: Utah SK Greg Keller, PSD

McGivney Guild Chairman: Utah SK Charles E. Dover, Jr., PSD

Silver Rose Chairman: Utah Michael Leith

Health Services Chairman: Utah SK Greg Hoffman

Newsletter/Bulletin Editor: Utah SK Greg Keller, PSD

Disaster Response Coordinator: Utah SK Justin Barker

Catholic Citizenship Essay Contest Chairman: Utah SK Larry Page

Executive Secretary/Administrative Assistant: Utah SK Karl VanMaren

Affiliate/Retention SK Robert E Masse, Jr., PSD

APSC Liaison SK Larry Page

Assistant State Chaplain, Utah SK Rev. Gabriel Mosher, O.P.

Assistant State Chaplain, Utah SK Rev. Dominic Sternhagen

Carmelite Car SK Michael Griffin

Carmelite Chairman SK George Jockisch

Christian Refugee SK Dick Hall, FMFD

Coats For Kids SK Robert E Masse, Jr., PSD

Director of Fraternal Photographic Services SK Andy Airriess, PSD

Ethnic Council Growth Coordinator SK Marco Gonzalez

Evangelization & Faith Formation Assistant Director SK Greg Keller, PSD

Fisher House Liaison SK Charles E. Dover, Jr., PSD

Food For Families SK Jim Vandiver

Helping Hands SK Jim Vandiver

Historian SK Marco Gonzalez

Holy Hours And Processionals SK Paul Tinker

Honest Abe SK Art Grant

Keep Christ In Christmas Billboard SK Ed Ortega

Keep Christ In Christmas Poster Contest Chair SK Alex Reynoso

Knights On Bikes (Utah, President) SK Nick Nielson, PSD

Mass For People With Special Needs SK Thomas V Demars, Jr.

MS Walk Chairman SK Tim Lozano

Retreat Chairman SK Deacon Greg Werking

Rosary Chairman SK John Valdez

RSVP Chairman SK Andy Airriess, PSD

Safe Environment SK Giancarlo Gazani

Scholarship Chairman SK Charles E. Dover, Jr., PSD

Science Fair Liaison SK William McCauley, FMFD

Scouting Chairman SK Ray Salazar

State Convention 2025 Chair SK Jon Gauchay

Co-Chair, State Convention 2025 Tim Soran, Jr.

Co-Chair, State Convention 2025 SK Larry Page

State Security Director SK Justin Barker

Technology Guru SK Nick Nielson, PSD

Trustee, Utah State Council SK Charles E. Dover, Jr., PSD

Trustee, Utah State Council SK Doug Shane, PSD

Trustee, Utah State Council SK William “Bill” Kelly, IPSD

Ultrasound Chairman SK John Wainscott, PSD

Veteran Affairs Liaison SK Joe Bouley

Webmaster ( Chris Hood

See also: Printed State Directory (PDF)


NumberCouncil NameLocationGrand Knight
602Salt LakeCathedral of the Madeleine - Salt Lake CityEdward Henkels
777OgdenSt. Josephs OgdenMatthew H Bedel
1129St. Mary'sPark City & HeberJohn S. Carty
1136Fr. EscalanteSt. Francis of Assisi Orem / ProvoDennis E Robles
2611St. AnthonyHelperChad R Closs
5214Bishop HuntSt. Francis Xavier KearnsTim I Lozano
5347Father DeSmetFather DeSmet - Brigham CityUNKNOWN
5502St. OlafsSt. Olaf - BountifulBrian M Vallese
6010St. Rose of LimaLaytonWilliam S Sevier
6147Msgr. GiavonnoniNotre Dame de Lourdes PriceJohn R Flores
6739St. MargueritesTooeleSK James W Mc Manaman
6966Corpus ChristiBlessed Sacrament SandyGregory L. LeClaire
7401Bishop ScanlanSt. James the Greater VernalBrad G Laney
7961St. Joseph the WorkerSt. Joseph the Worker West JordanSK Michael A. Anglin
8350St. Peter and PaulWest ValleyUNKNOWN
8606Msgr. Edward F. DowlingSt. Peter American ForkRogelio Castaneda Jr
9561Fr. DominguezPaysonMichael E Hacking
9731Our Lady of LourdesMagnaRichard Manzanares
9849St. JamesSt. James the Just OgdenGeorge Muggee
10304St. Martin de PorresTaylorsvilleRichard J Sawaya
10733Vic GiassonSt. George Parish St. George & KanabMichael Marino
11246Fr. Joseph ValineChrist the King Cedar CityThomas P Whalen
11479St. Thomas MoreCottonwood HeightsDavid C Lentz
11812San FelipeWendoverUNKNOWN
12181Mother Teresa of CalcuttaSt. John the Baptist DraperSK Luke Mercier
12264St. PatrickSt. PatrickErnesto T Ortiz
12959St. Thomas AquinasLoganNathan Andrew Morley
13297St. VincentsSt. Vincent de Paul HolladayMichael J Goleniewski
13646St. Therese of the Child JesusMidvaleUNKNOWN
14239St. AndrewRivertonSK Robert (Bob) Diaz
14399Bishop Joseph L. FederalHoly Family South OgdenMichael G Mc Mahon
14764Fr. Thomas KraftSt. Catherine of Siena Salt Lake CityJames Lord-Ender-Laing
15418St. AmbroseSalt Lake CityGeorge J Lukasiewicz
15741Our Lady of GuadalupeSalt Lake CityNo Information Provided
16006Sacred HeartSalt Lake CityNo Information Provided
16127Deacon Douglas R. SligerHill Air Force BaseStacy P Labarko
17140Immaculate ConceptionCoppertonUNKNOWN


NumberNameLocationCouncilsFaithful Navigator
1144Father Francisco Atanasio DominguezWestern Salt Lake Valley5214, 7961, 8350, 10304SK Mark A Miller
1146Father EscalanteUtah Valley1136, 8606, 9561SK Matthew Rhoades
1429Rt. Rev. Msgr. Patrick M. CushnahanGreater Ogden Area777, 5347, 6010, 9849, 12959, 14399, 16127SK Gregory A Keller, PSD
1570CarbonEastern Utah2611, 6147, 7401SK Eugene P Vea, FDD
2393Bishop ScanlanSt. George10733SK Louis Mandrigues
2577Reverend Thomas J. MeersmanSandy6966, 11479, 12181, 13297, 13646, 14239SK Patrick B Schmitt
2636Padre PioPark City, East Salt Lake1129, 14764, 15418SK Robert B Foye
3501Saint John Paul IICedar City11246SK Gerald E Calvasina
3586Rev. Msgr. Robert C. PollockBountiful and NSL Area602, 5502, 12264, 15741, 16006SK Joseph A Nesi
3758Monsignor John J. SullivanTooele6739, 9731, 11812, 17140SK Gabino Chacon-Escarcega

Living Past State Deputies of Utah


1984-1986 State DeputySK Michael T Cosgrove, PSD

1996-1998 State DeputySK Joseph B Ligori, PSD, FMFD

2000-2002 State DeputySK Sidney L Cowand, PSD

2002-2004 State DeputySK John P Wainscott, PSD, FSD

2004-2006 State DeputySK James N Leccia, PSD, FMFD

2006-2008 State DeputySK Chuck E Dover Jr, PSD, FVSM, FMFD

2008-2009 State DeputySK Douglas P Shane, PSD

2009-2010 State DeputySK Chuck E Dover Jr, PSD, FVSM, FMFD

2010-2012 State DeputySK Ray L Lopez, PSD

2012-2014 State DeputySK Bob E Masse, Jr., PSD

2016-2018 State DeputySK Andrew Airriess, PSD

2018-2020 State DeputySK Gregory A Keller, PSD

2020-2022 State DeputySK J. Nick Nielson, PSD

2020-2022 State DeputySK William “Bill” Kelly, PSD

PSD = Past State Deputy, FSD = Former Supreme Director, FVSM = Former Vice Supreme Master, FMFD = Former District Master, SK = Sir Knight (a Fourth Degree Knight)

All Past State Deputies of Utah

1905-1906 State Deputy George J. Gibson, PSD (602)
1906-1908 State Deputy W. L. Maginnis, PSD (777)
1908-1909 State Deputy James W. Killeen, PSD (602)
1909-1910 State Deputy Thomas J. O’Brien, PSD (602)
1910-1911 State Deputy George J. Gibson, PSD (602)
1911-1913 State Deputy S. A. Maginnis, PSD (777)
1913-1914 State Deputy W. E. Roche, PSD (777)
1914-1915 State Deputy John F. Welsh, PSD (1129)
1915-1916 State Deputy Daniel J. Laramie, PSD (602)
1916-1917 State Deputy Dr. John J. Galligan, PSD (602)
1917-1918 State Deputy Dr. James P. Dineen, PSD (777)
1918-1919 State Deputy S. Abbott Maginnis, PSD (602)
1919-1920 State Deputy Richard C. Treanor, PSD (602)
1920-1921 State Deputy Martin J. O’Connor, PSD (777)
1921-1922 State Deputy Roger I. McDonough, PSD (1129)
1922-1923 State Deputy James Ivers Jr., PSD (602)
1923-1924 State Deputy Raymond Morrissey, PSD (777)
1924-1925 State Deputy Dennis Harrington, PSD (1136)
1925-1926 State Deputy Charles A. Maguire, PSD (602)
1926-1927 State Deputy Austin J. Gibbons, PSD (1129)
1927-1928 State Deputy John A. Junk, PSD (777)
1928-1930 State Deputy Vere L. McCarthy, PSD (602)
1930-1931 State Deputy John V. Fennell, PSD (1136)
1931-1932 State Deputy Raymond Harriger, PSD (777)
1932-1933 State Deputy John C. Dwyer, PSD (602)
1933-1934 State Deputy Barney J. Vieta, PSD (2611)
1934-1935 State Deputy Harvey F. Cahill, PSD (777)
1935-1937 State Deputy W. Frank Liston, PSD (602)
1937-1938 State Deputy Harvey F. Cahill, PSD (777)
1938-1940 State Deputy John D. Rice, PSD (602)
1940-1941 State Deputy William F. Fisher, PSD (777)
1941-1942 State Deputy Charles B. Nelson, PSD (602)
1942-1943 State Deputy Albert Batiste, PSD (2611)
1943-1944 State Deputy Charles B. Nelson, PSD (602)
1944-1946 State Deputy Edward W. Brophy, PSD (777)
1946-1947 State Deputy John Mooney, PSD (602)
1947-1948 State Deputy Joseph B. Bonacci Jr., PSD (2611)
1948-1949 State Deputy Dr. C. O. Robinson, PSD (602)
1949-1950 State Deputy Henry Valdez, PSD (777)
1950-1951 State Deputy Tom Perrero, Sr., PSD (2611)
1951-1952 State Deputy Henry A. Poce, PSD (777)
1952-1953 State Deputy W.R. Rita, PSD (1136)
1953-1954 State Deputy Henry Hansmann, PSD (602)
1954-1955 State Deputy Anthony V Bonacci, PSD (2611)
1955-1956 State Deputy Mick ProFaizer, PSD (777)
1956-1957 State Deputy Frank J. Becker, PSD, FMFD (1136)
1957-1958 State Deputy Mike George, PSD (602)
1958-1959 State Deputy Virgil Moore, PSD (777)
1959-1960 State Deputy Mike George, PSD (602)
1960-1961 State Deputy Julius L. Zaccardi, PSD (1136)
1961-1962 State Deputy Royal V. Coburn, PSD (777)
1962-1963 State Deputy Joseph P. Fitzgerald, PSD (602)
1963-1965 State Deputy L. Wilson Thomas, Jr., PSD (1136)
1965-1966 State Deputy Tranquilino Otero, PSD (5214)
1966-1968 State Deputy Robert F. Phillips, PSD (5214)
1968-1969 State Deputy James M. Shulsen, PSD (5502)
1970-1972 State Deputy James F. Dailey, PSD (602)
1972-1973 State Deputy Vincent Kelly, PSD (5347)
1973-1974 State Deputy Lawrence Cunningham, PSD (1136)
1974-1976 State Deputy Robert Frost, PSD (5502)
1976-1978 State Deputy Edwin R. Schulfer, PSD, FVSM, FMFD (6010)
1978-1980 State Deputy Thomas J. O’Grady , PSD (5347)
1980-1982 State Deputy Robert E. Sorensen, PSD, FMFD (5214)
1982-1984 State Deputy Toby Trujillo, PSD (5214)
1984-1986 State Deputy Michael T. Cosgrove, PSD (5347)
1986-1988 State Deputy J. Robert Lavery, PSD, FMFD (5347)
1988-1990 State Deputy Richard A. Kane Jr. , PSD, FMFD (602)
1990-1992 State Deputy Henry C. Carlson, PSD, FMFD (9849)
1992-1994 State Deputy Ken Hults, PSD (1136)
1994-1996 State Deputy Rholand E. Lange, PSD, FMFD (5347)
1996-1998 State Deputy Joseph B. Ligori, PSD, FMFD (6966)
1998-2000 State Deputy Dan W. Higgins, PSD (602)
2000-2002 State Deputy Sidney L. J. Cowand, PSD (7961)
2002-2004 State Deputy John P. Wainscott, PSD, FSD (6966)
2004-2006 State Deputy James N. Leccia, PSD, FMFD (10304)
2006-2008 State Deputy Charles E. Dover Jr., PSD, FVSM, FMFD (10304)
2008-2009 State Deputy Douglas Shane, PSD (12181)
2010 State Deputy Charles E. Dover Jr., PSD, FVSM, FMFD (10304)
2010-2012 State Deputy Ray L. Lopez, PSD (1136)
2012-2014 State Deputy Robert J. Masse Jr., PSD (5214)
2014-2016 State Deputy Jerald P. Hanten, PSD (14239)
2016-2018 State Deputy Andrew Airriess, PSD (7961)
2018-2020 State Deputy Greg Keller, PSD (9849)
2020-2022 State Deputy J. Nick Nielson, PSD (5502)
2022-2024 State Deputy William “Bill” Kelly PSD (12181)

PSD = Past State Deputy, FSD = Former Supreme Director, FVSM = Former Vice Supreme Master, FMFD = Former District Master