Council 602 Salt Lake

Location: Cathedral of the Madeleine - Salt Lake City

Grand Knight: Edward Henkels

Charter Date: 09/08/1901

Assembly: #3586

Website: http://

Salt Lake Council No. 602: Salt Lake City (District 2)

KofC Council 602 is the Catholic men’s fraternal organization serving the Cathedral of the Madeleine parish. Council 602 is the oldest council west of the Rocky Mountains. We hold various events, including the Annual Catholic Day at Lagoon, to raise money for charities and the church. Causes we support include Coats for Kids, Special Olympics, Seminarians, and the March for Life to name a few. In addition, our members volunteer for the Cathedral parish and the diocese in many ways, including serving coffee & donuts, ushers, Eucharistic ministers, and as lectors.

2019-2020 Council Awards: Columbian, Founders

Meetings: 1st (O) and 2nd Wednesday, 7:00 PM – Cathedral of the Madeleine, 331 E South Temple, SLC

Cathedral Website:

Deputy Grand Knight: SK Gabriel Ulibarri
Financial Secretary: Daniel Tracy

Email Council 602

Coming Events

XX[3/5-4/13] 40 Days for Life (Spring 2025)
03-05-2025 - 04-13-2025
Planned Parenthood - Metro Health Center, 160 S 1000 E #120, Salt Lake City, UT 84102, USA
What is 40 Days for Life?  
It is a 40-day campaign that aims to end abortion locally through prayer & fasting, peaceful hourly vigils, and community outreach. Although the U.S. Supreme Court decided in Dobbs v. Jackson that the Constitution has no provision for abortion; sadly in Utah, elective abortions are still being conducted.
Why 40 Days?  Throughout Biblical history, God has used 40-day periods to transform individuals, communities, and nations...
* Noah was transformed by 40 days of rain.
* Moses was transformed by 40 days on Mount Sinai
* David was transformed by Goliath's 40 day challenge
How can I get involved?  Prayer & Fasting: Ask for 40 Days Devotional Booklets (E-mail Contact below).
Peaceful Vigils: Sign-up for one hour a week on the website (below) to pray with a buddy for the end of abortion.  We value your time and effort, so if you can't commit weekly, just show up when you can (with a buddy). 
Vigil Location: Outside Planned Parenthood Metro, 160 S. 1000 East 84102
Vigil Hours: Between 7am – 7pm, Monday-Sunday starting Wed. March 5 through Sun.  April 13th.
Community Outreach: Show your support. E-mail requests for Yard signs and Bumper stickers. We deliver.
Contact: Barbara Granja,, 385-799-5433
~~Please join us for the Kick-Off Prayer Rally – Tue. March 04 @ 5:30pm.
Outside Planned Parenthood Metro 160 S. 1000 East
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03-05-2025 - 04-13-2025 [3/5-4/13] 40 Days for Life (Spring 2025)
XXFounder's Day {GOLD}
03-29-2025   All Day Event

Remember 2020?
Go to Event
All Day Founder's Day {GOLD}
XXHG: New Ceremonial (125th Anniversary) (A2577)
03-29-2025   1:30 pm - 7:15 pm
Saint Vincent de Paul Catholic Church, Holladay, 1375 Spring Ln, Holladay, UT 84117, USA
11:00 AM Setup Chamber (Ceremonial team, volunteers) [Benvegnu Center]
01:30 PM Color Corps assemble, practice [Benvegnu Center]
02:00 PM Registration starts (candidate check-in) [Benvegnu Center]
02:45 PM Registration closes [Benvegnu Center]
03:00 PM Degree Exemplification Begins (with Families and Guests) (HG, CG) [Benvegnu Center]
04:30 PM Ceremonial Complete, HG assembles for Mass [Church]
05:00 PM Mass (HG) [Church]
06:15 PM Social [Holy Family Hall]
07:00 PM Banquet Dinner, (CG) [Holy Family Hall]
Host Assembly: 2577 ~
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1:30 pm HG: New Ceremonial (125th Anniversary) (A2577)
XX4-Patriotic (New) Live (English/Spanish) Saint Vincent de Paul, Holladay
03-29-2025   2:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Saint Vincent de Paul Catholic Church, Holladay, 1375 Spring Ln, Holladay, UT 84117, USA
11:00 AM Setup Chamber (Ceremonial team, volunteers) [Benvegnu Center]
01:30 PM Color Corps assemble, practice [Benvegnu Center]
02:00 PM Registration starts (candidate check-in) [Benvegnu Center]
02:45 PM Registration closes [Benvegnu Center]
03:00 PM Degree Exemplification Begins (with Families and Guests) (HG, CG) [Benvegnu Center]
04:30 PM Ceremonial Complete, HG assembles for Mass [church]
05:00 PM Mass (HG) [Church]
06:15 PM Social [Holy Family Hall]
07:00 PM Banquet Dinner, (CG) [Holy Family Hall]
Host Assembly: 2577 ~
Go to Event
2:00 pm 4-Patriotic (New) Live (English/Spanish) Saint Vincent de Paul, Holladay
XXSave The Date: UTAH has New 4th Degree! 125 Candidates!
03-29-2025   2:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Saint Vincent de Paul Catholic Church, Holladay, 1375 Spring Ln, Holladay, UT 84117, USA
Rough/Draft Schedule:
2:00 PM Candidate Check-in (Benvegnu Center)
3:00 PM Ceremonial Starts (Benvegnu Center)
4:30 PM Ceremonial Complete, Mass Honor Guard assembles
5:00 PM Mass (Church)
6:15 PM Social (Holy Family Hall)
7:00 PM Dinner Banquet (Holy Family Hall)
~~2024.11.18: Details TBA.  Expect location to be in Salt Lake County.
Contact District Master Nick Nielson for information.
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2:00 pm Save The Date: UTAH has New 4th Degree! 125 Candidates!
XXBreakfast (Council 14399)
03-30-2025   9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Holy Family Catholic Church, 1100 E 5550 S, Ogden, UT 84403, USA
Location: Holy Family Social Hall (1100 E 5550 S, S Ogden, Utah 84403). ~ Cost?  Donation. ~ Breakfast Menu: eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, fruit, pastries, juice, milk, coffee ~ Contact info Name Mike McMahon Email Phone (801) 809-8480 ~~ Breakfasts: 3/30, 4/27, 5/18.
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9:00 am Breakfast (Council 14399)
XXExtended DEADLINE: To Be A Patriot Award (Assembly to District Master)
04-01-2025   All Day Event

To Be A Patriot Awards Program - FINAL deadline.  3/15 is the usual deadline, but the Assembly Growth/Plan Worksheet had 4/1 as the date, so there was a little extension. ~ Entry Form: ~ 3/15 is deadline for assemblies to District Master so the winner can be announced and recognized at the Utah State Convention. ~ 4/30 deadline is if the assembly just needs to "check the box" for the Civic Award ~
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All Day Extended DEADLINE: To Be A Patriot Award (Assembly to District Master)
XXLinks: 2024-2025 Fraternal Success Planner + More! (PDF)
04-01-2025   All Day Event

Fraternal Planner 2024-2025 [5033 1/24, 52 pages]
Utah KofC Activity Publicity Form
Faith in Action Guidebook [10907 9/23, 24 pages]
Protocol, Meetings, and Ceremonials [11620 1/24, 96 pages]
Fraternal Excellence Guide (Practical Information for Council and District Officers) ~ Effective July 1, 2024 [11619 2/24, 64 pages]
Leadership Resources and Guides -> Fraternal Operations -> Fraternal Leader Resources


Use these documents as tools to enhance your knowledge as a fraternal leader in the Knights of Columbus. The instructions, rules and advice provided in these resources will help you in setting an example of charity, unity and fraternity.

Training - Officer Resources
Grand Knight Responsibilities (Has the OLD Meeting Agenda) [1937 5/15]
CUF Ceremonial Invitations:
Fraternal Planner Color Coding:
Forms or Event Deadlines {RED} 2024-2025
Important Dates {GOLD} 2024-2025
Membership Activities {Light Green} 2024-2025
Programming Activities {Dark Green} 2024-2025

Little change in the colors from 2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023 and 2023-2024
(Previously membership was green, and programming was purple, Supreme Office Events were tan)
Go to Event
All Day Links: 2024-2025 Fraternal Success Planner + More! (PDF)

Submit your event

Have an upcoming Knights event to promote? Use this form Click Here – UT KofC Event Form