2024-2025 District Deputy 012 (2611, 6147)
2024-2025 Insurance Promotion Chairman: Utah
2022.10.12: *NEW* Field Agent for all councils in Utah. business card. Part of the Raso Agency (Utah and Arizona).
XX40-Days for Life (Fall 2024) 09-25-2024 - 11-03-2024 Planned Parenthood - Metro Health Center, 160 S 1000 E #120, Salt Lake City, UT 84102, USA https://www.40daysforlife.com/en/saltlakecity ~ Barbara Granja Salt Lake City - Leader 40daysforlife.slc@gmail.com Go to Event 09-25-2024 - 11-03-2024 40-Days for Life (Fall 2024)
XXBINGO (Council 14399) 10-10-2024 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm Social Hall at Holy Family, Ogden. Price: $15. Contact Name Wilber Meier Email wlmeierjr@gmail.com Phone (801) 390-9788 Every 2nd Thursday of the month. Submitted: 2024-09-01 via the activity form. Go to Event 5:30 pm BINGO (Council 14399)
XXFraternal Training: Safe Environment 10-10-2024 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Virtual Training Webinar October 10, 2024 6:00 PM Safe Environment ~~ https://goto.webcasts.com/starthere.jsp?ei=1688126&tp_key=8e4c38400a ~~ Safe Environment ~ Thu, Oct 10, 2024 8:00 PM EDT (6:00 PM MDT) As Knights of Columbus, we share a responsibility to protect those entrusted to our care. In this training, you will learn how to manage your council's Safe Environment compliance, as required by the Knights of Columbus Office of Youth Protection which leads the Order's initiative to protect children and other vulnerable persons we serve. Register now to join us on October 10 at 6:00 PM MT If you can't join us live, the webinar will be available afterwards to watch on-demand at your convenience - sign up now to ensure you get the link for this important webinar. To Register, please fill out the form to the right where it says, "Complete this form to enter the webcast." Then click the yellow "Submit" button. ~~ The Fraternal Training Calendar is online at https://www.kofc.org/en/for-members/resources/fraternal-training/regional-training-director-page.html ~ www.KofC.org/Training ~ 2024.09.07.State.Deputy.Weekly.Update Go to Event 6:00 pm Fraternal Training: Safe Environment
XX123-CUF, Live/English, Saint John the Baptist, Draper 10-10-2024 6:30 pm - 7:20 pm St John the Baptist Catholic Church, 300 11800 S, Draper, UT 84020, USA Knights of Columbus Council 12181 ~ POC: Tom Odle, thodle99@outlook.com, 720-301-2115 ~~ 6:30 PM Registration (in the Gathering Space, enter through the wood doors on the East) 6:45 PM Ceremonial (in the church, without microphones) 7:15 PM Social 7:30 PM Council's Monthly Business Meeting ~~ Go to Event 6:30 pm 123-CUF, Live/English, Saint John the Baptist, Draper
XXFYI - Jesus Heals (Shalom World) 10-11-2024 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm St. Ann Catholic Church, 450 E 2100 S, Salt Lake City, UT 84115, USA ~~ https://conferences.shalomworld.org/jesus-heals-salt-lake-city-october-11 ~~ Fr. Jilto George CMI (Spiritual Director Shalom World Fellowship) * Holy Mass * Eucharistic Adoration * Preaching * Prayers for Healing ~ https://utahknights.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/20241007-Jesus-Heals-Come-and-See_Salt-Lake-City-Utah_Full-Page.jpg ~ https://utahknights.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/20241007-Jesus-Heals-Come-and-See_Salt-Lake-City-Utah_Full-Page-min.pdf ~ Go to Event 6:30 pm FYI - Jesus Heals (Shalom World)
10-12-2024 - 10-13-2024 Council Church Drive {LIGHT GREEN}
XXFYI - Come and See (Shalom World) 10-12-2024 9:00 am - 1:00 pm St John the Baptist Catholic Church, 300 11800 S, Draper, UT 84020, USA ~~ https://conferences.shalomworld.org/come-and-see-salt-lake-city-october-12 ~~ Discover Shalom World's media mission and resources for you and your family to grow in Christ-centered life. * HolyMass * Worship * Talks * Food & Fellowship ~ https://utahknights.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/20241007-Jesus-Heals-Come-and-See_Salt-Lake-City-Utah_Full-Page.jpg ~ https://utahknights.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/20241007-Jesus-Heals-Come-and-See_Salt-Lake-City-Utah_Full-Page-min.pdf ~ Go to Event 9:00 am FYI - Come and See (Shalom World)
XXFYI - Holy Fire Salt lake City - EQ Saints 10-12-2024 9:30 am - 6:15 pm Holy Family Catholic Church, 1100 E 5550 S, Ogden, UT 84403, USA https://youtu.be/6DCdxfj491Q ~ https://www.instagram.com/cathdiocese_slc/p/C_TxoYLS8c7/ ~~ Holy Fire Salt lake City- EQ Saints ~ A Middle School event like no other!!! Hosted by the Diocese of Salt Lake City at Holy Family Catholic Church, South Ogden. October 12, 2024 ● 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM Registration for Holy Fire Salt Lake City 2024 is now open! https://eqsaints.com/holyfire-slc/ Go to Event 9:30 am FYI - Holy Fire Salt lake City - EQ Saints
XXHG: 4-Patriotic, Live/English, Assembly 3758 10-12-2024 12:00 pm - 7:00 pm Saint Marguerite Catholic School, 15 S 7th St, Tooele, UT 84074, USA https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0949A4A72FAAF5C16-51048939-exemplification ~ Schedule (at Saint Marguerite, Tooele): 12:00 PM Honor Guard assemble, practice. 01:00 PM Registration starts (candidate check-in) 01:30 PM Registration closes 02:00 PM Degree Exemplification Begins (Knights only) 03:30 PM Pictures 05:00 PM Mass (HG) 06:00 PM Spaghetti Dinner (Candidates dinner included in $60 cost) Candidate Registration deadline is October 4th. Invitation PDF (LINK). Information page (LINK). Go to Event 12:00 pm HG: 4-Patriotic, Live/English, Assembly 3758
Have an upcoming Knights event to promote? Use this form Click Here – UT KofC Event Form