As of 01-NOV-2022, Matt is no longer a Field Agent in Utah. Visit the insurance page.
As of 01-SEP-2021 with Gene Trombetti’s retirement, Matt is the sole field agent for ALL Utah councils.
29-JUL-2020 council list was 777, 1136, 2611, 5347, 5502, 6147, 6739, 6966, 7961, 8350, 8606, 9561, 9731, 10304, 11479, 11812, 12959, 13646, 14239, 17140.
Matthew McCarthy
Field Agent (2020-2022)
XX[3/5-4/13] 40 Days for Life (Spring 2025) 03-05-2025 - 04-13-2025 Planned Parenthood - Metro Health Center, 160 S 1000 E #120, Salt Lake City, UT 84102, USA ~~ HELP SAVE LIVES IN SALT LAKE CITY! ~ What is 40 Days for Life? It is a 40-day campaign that aims to end abortion locally through prayer & fasting, peaceful hourly vigils, and community outreach. Although the U.S. Supreme Court decided in Dobbs v. Jackson that the Constitution has no provision for abortion; sadly in Utah, elective abortions are still being conducted. ~ Why 40 Days? Throughout Biblical history, God has used 40-day periods to transform individuals, communities, and nations... * Noah was transformed by 40 days of rain. * Moses was transformed by 40 days on Mount Sinai * David was transformed by Goliath's 40 day challenge ~~ How can I get involved? Prayer & Fasting: Ask for 40 Days Devotional Booklets (E-mail Contact below). ~ Peaceful Vigils: Sign-up for one hour a week on the website (below) to pray with a buddy for the end of abortion. We value your time and effort, so if you can't commit weekly, just show up when you can (with a buddy). ~~ Vigil Location: Outside Planned Parenthood Metro, 160 S. 1000 East 84102 ~~ Vigil Hours: Between 7am – 7pm, Monday-Sunday starting Wed. March 5 through Sun. April 13th. ~~ Community Outreach: Show your support. E-mail requests for Yard signs and Bumper stickers. We deliver. ~ Contact: Barbara Granja,, 385-799-5433 ~~Please join us for the Kick-Off Prayer Rally – Tue. March 04 @ 5:30pm. Outside Planned Parenthood Metro 160 S. 1000 East Go to Event 03-05-2025 - 04-13-2025 [3/5-4/13] 40 Days for Life (Spring 2025)
XXFraternal Training: Best Practices for Council Fundraising 03-26-2025 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm Virtual Training Webinar March 26, 2025 8:00 PM........Best Practices for Council Fundraising ~~ LINK: ~~ Best Practices for Council Fundraising March 26, 2025 at 8:00 PM MDT The aim of this session is to help council leaders navigate the planning and implementation of successful fundraising opportunities. We'll consider best practices, council circumstances, practical examples and even review some virtual payment options councils can adopt. If you can't join us live, the webinar will be available afterwards to watch on-demand at your convenience - sign up now to ensure you get the link for this important webinar. To Register, please fill out the form to the right where it says, "Complete this form to enter the webcast." Then click the yellow "Submit" button. ~~ The Fraternal Training Calendar is online at ~ ~ 2025.02.20.FLA - Go to Event 8:00 pm Fraternal Training: Best Practices for Council Fundraising
XXFish Fry (1 of 2) (Council 14399) 03-28-2025 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm Holy Family Catholic Church, 1100 E 5550 S, Ogden, UT 84403, USA Location: Holy Family Social Hall (1100 E 5550 S, S Ogden, Utah 84403) ~ Stations of the cross at 5:30 p.m. ~ Cost: Donation. ~ Menu: TBA. ~ Contact info Name Mike McMahon Email Phone (801) 809-8480 ~~ 2025 Fish Frys: 3/28 and 4/11. Go to Event 5:00 pm Fish Fry (1 of 2) (Council 14399)
XXFish Fry (2 of 3) (Council 6010) 03-28-2025 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm St Rose of Lima Catholic Church, 210 Chapel St, Layton, UT 84041, USA From: Steve Sevier Date: Tue, Jan 7, 2025 at 2:07 PM Subject: Lenten Fish Frys ~ Council 6010 will have three Fish Fry's during the Lenten Season: March 7th, March 28th, and April 11th. ~ We will sell them in the St. Rose Social Center between 5:00 and 7:00 PM. ~ POC is Community Director Dennis Martinez 801-540-7614 - Menu: Fried Fish Filet, French Fries, Cole Slaw. ~ Prices are TBD. ~ Go to Event 5:00 pm Fish Fry (2 of 3) (Council 6010)
XXFounder's Day {GOLD} 03-29-2025 All Day Event Remember 2020? Go to Event All Day Founder's Day {GOLD}
XXHG: New Ceremonial (125th Anniversary) (A2577) 03-29-2025 1:30 pm - 7:15 pm Saint Vincent de Paul Catholic Church, Holladay, 1375 Spring Ln, Holladay, UT 84117, USA ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ Schedule: 11:00 AM Setup Chamber (Ceremonial team, volunteers) [Benvegnu Center] 01:30 PM Color Corps assemble, practice [Benvegnu Center] 02:00 PM Registration starts (candidate check-in) [Benvegnu Center] 02:45 PM Registration closes [Benvegnu Center] 03:00 PM Degree Exemplification Begins (with Families and Guests) (HG, CG) [Benvegnu Center] 04:30 PM Ceremonial Complete, HG assembles for Mass [Church] 05:00 PM Mass (HG) [Church] 06:15 PM Social [Holy Family Hall] 07:00 PM Banquet Dinner, (CG) [Holy Family Hall] ~~ Host Assembly: 2577 ~ Go to Event 1:30 pm HG: New Ceremonial (125th Anniversary) (A2577)
XX4-Patriotic (New) Live (English/Spanish) Saint Vincent de Paul, Holladay 03-29-2025 2:00 pm - 8:30 pm Saint Vincent de Paul Catholic Church, Holladay, 1375 Spring Ln, Holladay, UT 84117, USA ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ Schedule: 11:00 AM Setup Chamber (Ceremonial team, volunteers) [Benvegnu Center] 01:30 PM Color Corps assemble, practice [Benvegnu Center] 02:00 PM Registration starts (candidate check-in) [Benvegnu Center] 02:45 PM Registration closes [Benvegnu Center] 03:00 PM Degree Exemplification Begins (with Families and Guests) (HG, CG) [Benvegnu Center] 04:30 PM Ceremonial Complete, HG assembles for Mass [church] 05:00 PM Mass (HG) [Church] 06:15 PM Social [Holy Family Hall] 07:00 PM Banquet Dinner, (CG) [Holy Family Hall] ~~ Host Assembly: 2577 ~ Go to Event 2:00 pm 4-Patriotic (New) Live (English/Spanish) Saint Vincent de Paul, Holladay
XXSave The Date: UTAH has New 4th Degree! 125 Candidates! 03-29-2025 2:00 pm - 8:30 pm Saint Vincent de Paul Catholic Church, Holladay, 1375 Spring Ln, Holladay, UT 84117, USA ~~ Rough/Draft Schedule: 2:00 PM Candidate Check-in (Benvegnu Center) 3:00 PM Ceremonial Starts (Benvegnu Center) 4:30 PM Ceremonial Complete, Mass Honor Guard assembles 5:00 PM Mass (Church) 6:15 PM Social (Holy Family Hall) 7:00 PM Dinner Banquet (Holy Family Hall) ~~2024.11.18: Details TBA. Expect location to be in Salt Lake County. Contact District Master Nick Nielson for information. Go to Event 2:00 pm Save The Date: UTAH has New 4th Degree! 125 Candidates!
XXFOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT 03-30-2025 All Day Event ~ 12/2024-11/2025 ~ Go to Event All Day FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT
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