About Gregory Kim Gold

2021-2022 Soccer Challenge Chairman (Information, Playbook 4576 8/19)

2020-2021 Lecturer, Council 12181
2019-2020 Lecturer, Council 12181

Council 12181

Coming Events

XXVeterans and First Responders Appreciation Breakfast (Council 1136)
11-10-2024   8:00 am - 12:00 pm

Veterans and First Responders Apreciation Lunch (Council 1136)
The Knights of Columbus [Council 1136], Women of Saint Francis and Sponsors would like to have breakfast or lunch with you!
Who is invited?  All on and off duty First Responders, Veterans, and Family.
When? Sunday, November 10th.
Serving Breakfast from 8 AM to Noon.
Serving Lunch from 1 PM - 4 PM
Where?  Saint Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, 65 W 500 N, Orem, UT 84057 in the Gym.
Veterans and First Responders eat free with their spouses.  Family welcome to join. $10/plate.  Donations welcomed.
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8:00 am Veterans and First Responders Appreciation Breakfast (Council 1136)
XXMinistry Fair (Council 9849)
11-10-2024   8:30 am - 1:30 pm
St James Church, 495 N Harrison Blvd, Ogden, UT 84404, USA
The Fair will be on Sunday, Nov 10 in the gym after both the 9:00 AM and 11:30 AM Masses. ~ I’ve talked with Father David and he’s supportive and excited for a Ministry Fair.  -- Deacon Tom ~ KofC Contacts: * George Muggee * Al Hollywood * John R. Valdez"
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8:30 am Ministry Fair (Council 9849)
XXVeterans Mass and Breakfast (Council 12181)
11-10-2024   8:30 am - 10:30 am
St John the Baptist Catholic Church, 300 11800 S, Draper, UT 84020, USA
Brothers, Our annual Veteran's Day Breakfast and fundraiser is this coming Sunday, November 10 after the 8:30 Mass. Pancakes, sausage, and scrambled eggs are on the menu. Please invite your family, friends and neighbors to join us. All veterans (including Knights) are encouraged to wear their uniforms. Proceeds raised from the breakfast will be donated to Wreaths Across America. We need volunteers to help set up, serve food and clean up after. Set up will start around 8:00 AM, and we'll serve food starting after Mass - so around 9:30 AM.
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8:30 am Veterans Mass and Breakfast (Council 12181)
XXVeterans and First Responders Appreciation Lunch (Council 1136)
11-10-2024   1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Veterans and First Responders Apreciation Lunch (Council 1136)
The Knights of Columbus [Council 1136], Women of Saint Francis and Sponsors would like to have breakfast or lunch with you!
Who is invited?  All on and off duty First Responders, Veterans, and Family.
When? Sunday, November 10th.
Serving Breakfast from 8 AM to Noon.
Serving Lunch from 1 PM - 4 PM
Where?  Saint Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, 65 W 500 N, Orem, UT 84057 in the Gym.
Veterans and First Responders eat free with their spouses.  Family welcome to join. $10/plate.  Donations welcomed.
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1:00 pm Veterans and First Responders Appreciation Lunch (Council 1136)
XXFYI - Wake - Deacon Sosefo (Sefo) Manu
11-10-2024   5:00 pm - 9:00 pm
St. Patrick Roman Catholic Church, 1058 W 400 S, Salt Lake City, UT 84104, USA
Brother Knight Deacon Sefo Menu
The wake will be held on Sunday, November 10 from 5 to 9 p.m. at St. Patrick Catholic Church, 1058 West 400 South, Salt Lake City. A funeral Mass will be celebrated on Monday, November 11 at 11 a.m., also at St. Patrick's. A viewing will be held one hour prior.

Deacon Sosefo (Sefo) Aselemo Manu, 69, died November 2, in Murray.

Sosefo Manu was born in Nuku’alofa Tonga on April 17, 1955 to Siulolovao Palu and Veleveni Manu. 

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5:00 pm FYI - Wake - Deacon Sosefo (Sefo) Manu
XX🇺🇸 Veterans Day (USA)
11-11-2024   All Day Event
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All Day 🇺🇸 Veterans Day (USA)
XXFYI - Viewing and Funeral - Deacon Sosefo (Sefo) Manu
11-11-2024   10:00 am - 12:30 pm
St. Patrick Roman Catholic Church, 1058 W 400 S, Salt Lake City, UT 84104, USA
Brother Knight Deacon Sefo Menu
The wake will be held on Sunday, November 10 from 5 to 9 p.m. at St. Patrick Catholic Church, 1058 West 400 South, Salt Lake City. A funeral Mass will be celebrated on Monday, November 11 at 11 a.m., also at St. Patrick's. A viewing will be held one hour prior.

Deacon Sosefo (Sefo) Aselemo Manu, 69, died November 2, in Murray.

Sosefo Manu was born in Nuku’alofa Tonga on April 17, 1955 to Siulolovao Palu and Veleveni Manu. 

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10:00 am FYI - Viewing and Funeral - Deacon Sosefo (Sefo) Manu
XXFraternal Training: Guidelines for Conducting Council Meetings
11-13-2024   8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Virtual Training Webinar
November 13, 2024 8:00 PM......Guidelines for Conducting Council Meetings
Conducting Council Meetings
Wed, Nov 13, 2024 8:00 PM MST
Guidelines for Conducting Council Meetings
Shows councils how to adopt the current guidelines and learn best practices to host an informative, efficient, and effective Council Meeting that will help maintain strong, healthy and engaged membership. Using ‘The Guidelines for Council Meetings’ we will walk you through the steps and procedures of council and officer planning meetings. By highlighting best practices for preparing for and conducting these meetings, this webinar will give you the skills, knowledge, and confidence to prepare and host effective and timely council meetings that will benefit your Council and its members.
Register now to join us on November 13th at 8:00 PM.
If you can't join us live, the webinar will be available afterwards to watch on-demand at your convenience - sign up now to ensure you get the link for this important webinar.
To Register, please fill out the form to the right where it says, "Complete this form to enter the webcast." Then click the yellow "Submit" button.
The Fraternal Training Calendar is online at https://www.kofc.org/en/for-members/resources/fraternal-training/regional-training-director-page.html
Source: 2024.09.28.SD.Weekly.Updates

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8:00 pm Fraternal Training: Guidelines for Conducting Council Meetings
XXFraternal Training: Protecting Catholic Families
11-14-2024   All Day Event
Virtual Training Webinar
November 14, 2024....Protecting Catholic Families
Registration Link - TBA
(training description - TBA)
The Fraternal Training Calendar is online at https://www.kofc.org/en/for-members/resources/fraternal-training/regional-training-director-page.html
The Fraternal Mission department is planning a series of exciting and informative webinars for the 2024-2025 fraternal year. Check out the schedule below and mark your calendars today to ensure you don’t miss one. Watch future issues of the FLA to register throughout the year.
2024.08.08.FLA - Save the Date! https://conta.cc/3Aiymt1
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All Day Fraternal Training: Protecting Catholic Families

Submit your event

Have an upcoming Knights event to promote? Use this form Click Here – UT KofC Event Form