Fraternal Benefit Seminar (27-OCT-2021)

Fraternal Benefit Seminar.  Wednesday, October 27, 2021 from 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM (Mountain Time) virtual seminar.  Click HERE to register (advance registration is required).  Presented by Van Mueller LUTCF, LACP. Financial Success Under Any Circumstance * How can...

Coats for Kids 2021

Four State Distributions are set! * Sun. 11/7 1-3 PM with Council 14239 at Saint Andrew in Riverton (Flyer) (flyer #2) (calendar) * Sat. 11/13, 8-10 AM with Council 9731 at Our Lady of Lourdes in Magna (Flyer) (calendar) * Sat. 11/20, Noon – 1 PM at CCS Saint...

What is Catholic Investing? (28-SEP-2021)

What is Catholic Investing?  On Tuesday, September, 28th, at 6 PM, Tony Minopoli (President and Chief Investment Officer of Knights of Columbus Asset Advisors) will explain how to blend your faith and your investments.  Attendance is limited to the first 1,000; RSVP...

State Soccer Challenge (17-OCT-2021)

Knights of Columbus Soccer Challenge First Place Winners: Boy, 10, Karoll Garcia, Council # 1136 (Orem) Boy, 11, Logan Emefo, Council # 6739 (Tooele) Girl, 13, Maryann Emefo, Council # 6739 (Tooele) Boy, 14, Daniel Navarrete, Council # 1136 (Orem) All Girls & Boys...

Steak Fry (Council 5502, 18-SEP-2021)

Council 5502 in Bountiful is at it again!  It’s time for their Steak Fry on Saturday, September 18, at 6:30 PM come and grill your boneless ribeye steak just the way you like it for $30/person.  Reservations are required, and the deadline is September 12th. ...


You are invited to put your faith in action.  There is much good and necessary work to be done in this world, and that’s what Knights do every day.  When the time is right, joining online is easy. ~ ~