Council 10304 is holding a Takeout Spaghetti Dinner on Saturday, April 17th at Saint Martin de Porres Catholic Church in Taylorsville. Price is $12/meal. Contact Deputy Grand Knight Fred Montoya for tickets.801-243-2660 (text preferred).
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Coming Events
XX[3/5-4/13] 40 Days for Life (Spring 2025) 03-05-2025 - 04-13-2025 Planned Parenthood - Metro Health Center, 160 S 1000 E #120, Salt Lake City, UT 84102, USA ~~ HELP SAVE LIVES IN SALT LAKE CITY! ~ What is 40 Days for Life? It is a 40-day campaign that aims to end abortion locally through prayer & fasting, peaceful hourly vigils, and community outreach. Although the U.S. Supreme Court decided in Dobbs v. Jackson that the Constitution has no provision for abortion; sadly in Utah, elective abortions are still being conducted. ~ Why 40 Days? Throughout Biblical history, God has used 40-day periods to transform individuals, communities, and nations... * Noah was transformed by 40 days of rain. * Moses was transformed by 40 days on Mount Sinai * David was transformed by Goliath's 40 day challenge ~~ How can I get involved? Prayer & Fasting: Ask for 40 Days Devotional Booklets (E-mail Contact below). ~ Peaceful Vigils: Sign-up for one hour a week on the website (below) to pray with a buddy for the end of abortion. We value your time and effort, so if you can't commit weekly, just show up when you can (with a buddy). ~~ Vigil Location: Outside Planned Parenthood Metro, 160 S. 1000 East 84102 ~~ Vigil Hours: Between 7am – 7pm, Monday-Sunday starting Wed. March 5 through Sun. April 13th. ~~ Community Outreach: Show your support. E-mail requests for Yard signs and Bumper stickers. We deliver. ~ Contact: Barbara Granja,, 385-799-5433 ~~Please join us for the Kick-Off Prayer Rally – Tue. March 04 @ 5:30pm. Outside Planned Parenthood Metro 160 S. 1000 East Go to Event 03-05-2025 - 04-13-2025 [3/5-4/13] 40 Days for Life (Spring 2025)
XXFraternal Training: Membership Records Management 03-06-2025 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Virtual Training Webinar March 6, 2025 6:00 PM............Membership Records Management ~~ LINK: ~~ This training covers the record keeping or management for the membership of the council. We cover member types, methods to process them and how to perform membership maintenance to our rosters. We will share useful examples to help make this task very easy. To Register, please fill out the form to the right where it says, "Complete this form to enter the webcast." Then click the yellow "Submit" button. ~~ The Fraternal Training Calendar is online at ~ ~ 2025.02.20.FLA - Go to Event 6:00 pm Fraternal Training: Membership Records Management
XXHG: Viewing and Funeral - Sir Knight E. Michael "Gunny" Stephenson 03-07-2025 9:30 am - 11:30 am St John the Baptist Catholic Church, 300 11800 S, Draper, UT 84020, USA ~~ 9:30 AM HG assemble 10:00 AM HG at "Viewing" 10:30 AM HG at Mass ~~ Edwin Michael "Gunny" Stephenson Go to Event 9:30 am HG: Viewing and Funeral - Sir Knight E. Michael "Gunny" Stephenson
XXDinner and Games (Council 5214) 03-07-2025 4:30 pm - 9:30 pm St Francis Xavier Catholic Church, 4501 W 5215 S, Kearns, UT 84118, USA Dinner and games, Friday March 7, 2025, dinner $23.00 (cash or check only) and includes 18 games. ~ 4:30 PM Doors open 5:30 PM Dinner 6:30 PM Games Start ~ Contact info Name Jerry Angus Email Phone (801) 580-9540 ~~ 2025.01.16.Cognito.Form.Submission Go to Event 4:30 pm Dinner and Games (Council 5214)
XXFish Fry (1 of 3) (Council 6010) 03-07-2025 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm St Rose of Lima Catholic Church, 210 Chapel St, Layton, UT 84041, USA From: Steve Sevier Date: Tue, Jan 7, 2025 at 2:07 PM Subject: Lenten Fish Frys ~ Council 6010 will have three Fish Fry's during the Lenten Season: March 7th, March 28th, and April 11th. ~ We will sell them in the St. Rose Social Center between 5:00 and 7:00 PM. ~ POC is Community Director Dennis Martinez 801-540-7614 - Menu: Fried Fish Filet, French Fries, Cole Slaw. ~ Prices are TBD. ~ Go to Event 5:00 pm Fish Fry (1 of 3) (Council 6010)
XXLenten Fish Fry (1 of 2) (Council 13297) 03-07-2025 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm Saint Vincent de Paul Catholic Church, Holladay, 1375 Spring Ln, Holladay, UT 84117, USA Lenten Fish Frys — Friday March 7th and Friday April 11th 2025 in Holy Family Hall: More details to come and a flyer to come. Michael Goleniewski 801-793-7614 801-957-4281 Added 2024.11.27 Go to Event 5:00 pm Lenten Fish Fry (1 of 2) (Council 13297)
XXLenten Fish Fry (1 of 3) (Council 11479) 03-07-2025 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm Saint Thomas More Catholic Church, 3015 Creek Rd, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84093, USA Flyer: Lenten Fish Fry! Council 11479 St. Thomas More Catholic Church 3015 E. Creek Rd., Cottonwood Heights UT Friday March 7th (1 of 3) Friday March 21st (2 of 3) Friday April 4th (3 of 3) 5:30PM - 7:30PM 7:00 PM Stations of the Cross Adults $17 Children $7 (5 and under free) Join us for an evening of faith, family, Join us for an evening of faith, family, and community. 2025.01.21.DD.Alex.Reynoso Go to Event 5:30 pm Lenten Fish Fry (1 of 3) (Council 11479)
XXFish Fry (1 of 2) (Council 602) 03-07-2025 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Cathedral of the Madeleine, 331 E S Temple St, Salt Lake City, UT 84111, USA FISH FRY on Friday 3/7: A Fish Fry will be held at the Cathedral of the Madeleine on Friday 3/7 from 6pm to 8pm in Scanlan Hall (Cathedral basement). Cost is $14 for adults, $10 for children. Sponsored by Knights of Columbus Council 602." If you have any questions please let me know. Thanks! -- Anthony "Tony" Estrada (650) 796 - 0973 Salt Lake City, UT 84116 ~~~ 2025.02.12. SD Frank Cathedral Fish fry's 7 March and 4 April. Go to Event 6:00 pm Fish Fry (1 of 2) (Council 602)
XXHG: Eucharistic Procession (6pm Mass, 6:45pm Procession) (District) 03-07-2025 6:00 pm - 7:45 pm St. Catherine of Siena Newman Center, 170 S, 170 S University St, Salt Lake City, UT 84102, USA ~~ Adoration 5-6, Mass at 6:00, and procession starts about 6:45 pm (directly after Mass). ~~ Honor Guard for the procession, usually carrying the canopy. Attending Mass ensures you're not late for the procession as it immediately follows Mass (which varies in duration). ~~ Note: They have pews with kneelers now! Go to Event 6:00 pm HG: Eucharistic Procession (6pm Mass, 6:45pm Procession) (District)
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