About Robert E Masse, Jr.

2024-2025 District Deputy 007 (10733, 11246, 11812*)
2024-2025 Affiliate/Retention
2024-2025 Coats For Kids
2024-2025 Council Reactivation Chairman: Utah
2024-2025 Council Retention Chairman: Utah
2024-2025 Round Table Chairman: Utah

2023-2024 District Master (Utah) until 08/31/21024.

2022-2023 District Master (Utah)
2022 Supreme Convention Delegate (alternate to Immediate Past State Deputy)

2021-2022 Coats for Kids Chairman
2020-2021 Faithful Navigator, Assembly 1144

2013-2014 State Deputy, Utah
2012-2013 State Deputy, Utah

Council 5214


Coming Events

XXHG: Funeral - Deacon John Bash (A2636)
09-20-2024   10:15 am - 12:10 pm
Saint Ambrose Catholic Church, 2315 E Redondo Ave, Salt Lake City, UT 84108, USA
https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0949A4A72FAAF5C16-51354803-funeral ~~ Honor Guard (3): Dick Hall, FMFD Bob Diaz, PFN A2577 George Lukasiewicz Vested clergy: 3 priests, 3 deacons. Father Erik Deacon Paul Graham ~~ http://www.icatholic.org/article/deacon-john-g-bash--12818585 ~ 10:15 AM Gather - Dress on stage in social hall (aka church basement). 11:00 AM Funeral Mass Mass was more important to wife, Ileana. ~ Honor Guard requested. The following arrangements have been made for Deacon John Bash: Rosary and viewing - September 19 at 7:30 at Neil O'Donnell Mortuary Mass of Christian Burial - September 20th at 11 am at St. Ambrose Please tell anyone else who is interested? Thank you. ~~ From: Richard Hall Date: Mon, Sep 9, 2024 at 10:46 PM Subject: Fwd: Deacon John Bash Arrangements
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10:15 am HG: Funeral - Deacon John Bash (A2636)
XXMembership Drive Weekend (Council 10304)
09-21-2024 - 09-22-2024
St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church, Taylorsville, 4914 S 2200 W, Taylorsville, UT 84129, USA
Membership drive! ~ Masses: Sat - 5:00 PM Sun - 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM English; 1:00 PM Spanish ~
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09-21-2024 - 09-22-2024 Membership Drive Weekend (Council 10304)
XXFYI - Utah Catholic Conference - Our Faith Moves Mountains
09-21-2024   7:30 am - 5:00 pm
Skaggs Catholic Center, 300 11800 S, Draper, UT 84020, USA
KofC Utah State Council will have a table in the vendors section.  Stop and say hello!

Utah Catholic Conference — a day of faith formation for adults and youth grades 6-12. Saturday, Sept. 21, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Skaggs Catholic Center, 300 East 11800 South, Draper. Visit www.dioslc.org for information and to register.
"Our Faith Moves Mountains"
Utah Catholic Conference
Save the Date!
September 21, 2024
Save the Date! The Utah Catholic Conference will be held Saturday, September 21, 2024 at the Skaggs Catholic Center (300 East 11800 South, Draper).
The conference theme - “Our Faith Moves Mountains” - heralds our mission to educate the community, empower the people and embark on a journey to spread the faith.
The Utah Catholic Conference will provide a platform for spiritual growth, fellowship, and the sharing of our rich Catholic traditions for youth, ages 12-18, and adults.
The conference will feature Mass, inspirational speakers and enriching workshops.
Check out the website - https://www.dioslc.org/conference - for more information and to register.
Conference Adult Schedule
Saturday, September 21, 2024
8:00 am    Program & Name Badge Pick-Up Exhibitor Hall Opens
8:45 am - 10:00 am    Mass - Most Reverend Oscar A. Solis, D.D
10:15 am -11:15 am    Keynote Addresses
--> Mark Hart (English)
-->   Dr. Jose Antonio Medina (Spanish)
11:30 am-12:30 pm    Session 1 Workshops
12:30 pm -1:30 pm    Lunch
1:45 pm - 2:45 pm    Session 2 Workshops
3:00 pm -4:00 pm    Session 3 Workshops
5:00 pm    Exhibitor Hall Closes
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7:30 am FYI - Utah Catholic Conference - Our Faith Moves Mountains
XXPancake Breakfast (Council 602)
09-22-2024   9:30 am - 1:00 pm
Cathedral of the Madeleine, 331 E S Temple St, Salt Lake City, UT 84111, USA
Subject: UT KofC Activity Form - Council 602 - Pancake Breakfast after 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM Mass ~~ Cathedral of the Madeleine (Scanlan Hall, located in the basement of the Cathedral) ~ Pricing Details    $8.00 / plate ~ Menu will include 2 pancakes, eggs, and sausage and will be served after the 8:30 and 11:00 Mass. ~ Submitted: Sun, Sep 15, 2024 at 7:25 PM ~
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9:30 am Pancake Breakfast (Council 602)
XX40-Days for Life Kick-Off
09-24-2024   5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Planned Parenthood - Metro Health Center, 160 S 1000 E #120, Salt Lake City, UT 84102, USA
2024.08.22 Update:
Hello all 40DFL Volunteers,
We will be beginning the 40 Days For Life Fall Campaign on Wednesday, September 25. Thirty three days from now!!!
Keep in mind, we will be having our Kick-Off Prayer Rally on Tuesday September 24 @ 5:30PM outside Planned Parenthood Metro (160 S. 1000 East). Come and be with others for prayer and receive materials, yard signs, and devotional pamphlets to pass out to others at your church.
I have put out the 40 DFL Flyer on the web page (40DaysforLife.com/SaltLakeCity). Please on the right side, click down under resources to find the PDF to help promote this years Peaceful Vigil.
Help to inspire others to pray at the Planned Parenthood Metro (160 S. 1000 East) to be a sign of hope for someone to consider LIFE and not death. They can sign up here.
I and others will be at PPM on Wednesdays at 11:00AM. If you need materials and support, come join us.
See you at the Kick-Off Prayer Rally - Tuesday, September 24 @ 5:30PM.
Barbara Granja
Salt Lake City - Leader
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5:00 pm 40-Days for Life Kick-Off
XX40-Days for Life (Fall 2024)
09-25-2024 - 11-03-2024
Planned Parenthood - Metro Health Center, 160 S 1000 E #120, Salt Lake City, UT 84102, USA
Barbara Granja
Salt Lake City - Leader
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09-25-2024 - 11-03-2024 40-Days for Life (Fall 2024)
XXFraternal Training: Making the Most of the Fall Semester (for College Councils)
09-25-2024   All Day Event
Virtual Training Webinar
September 25, 2024...Making the Most of the Fall Semester (for College Councils)
Registration Link - TBA
(training description - TBA)
The Fraternal Training Calendar is online at https://www.kofc.org/en/for-members/resources/fraternal-training/regional-training-director-page.html
The Fraternal Mission department is planning a series of exciting and informative webinars for the 2024-2025 fraternal year. Check out the schedule below and mark your calendars today to ensure you don’t miss one. Watch future issues of the FLA to register throughout the year.
2024.08.08.FLA - Save the Date!
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All Day Fraternal Training: Making the Most of the Fall Semester (for College Councils)
XXRed Cross Blood Drive (Council 6966)
09-25-2024   2:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church, 9757 S 1700 E, Sandy, UT 84092, USA
Register online at https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/drive-results?zipSponsor=blessed
Knights of Columbus Council 6966 Blood Drive!
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
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2:00 pm Red Cross Blood Drive (Council 6966)
XX[FBS] Fraternal Benefit Event - Maximize Your Council’s Impact
09-26-2024   6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Dear Brother Knight,
How can you “Maximize Your Council’s Impact” of charitable work and fundraising efforts?  
Find out in an upcoming webinar on September 26, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. MT.  
Knights of Columbus Asset Advisors, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Knights of Columbus, and Knights of Columbus Charitable Fund will co-host this webinar on financial resources that can help councils simplify fundraising and amplify charitable impact. Join KCCF President Dennis Gerber, Jr. and Director of Individual Investor Business Development Joseph Novak for this online discussion. 
Register Now - https://goto.webcasts.com/starthere.jsp?ei=1686279&tp_key=17bad29423
This event is open – please feel free to share with others who may be interested in attending.   
Knights of Columbus  
No purchase is necessary. This event is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial, tax or legal advice. Click here for important additional information.  
Knights of Columbus Charitable Fund, Inc. is an independent, nonprofit, public charity with a donor-advised fund program. Various entities affiliated with Knights of Columbus provide certain investment management and administrative services to Knights of Columbus Charitable Fund. Knights of Columbus Asset Advisors, LLC serves as the investment manager of Knights of Columbus Charitable Fund, and the assets are invested in investment funds managed by Knights of Columbus Asset Advisors. Investing involves risk. The value of an invested donation will fluctuate over time and may gain or lose money. For additional information visit knightscharitable.org.
Information provided is educational in nature and is not intended as legal, tax, financial, or other professional advice. Knights of Columbus Charitable Fund does not provide legal, tax, financial, and other professional advice. You should consult professional advisors concerning the legal, tax, or financial consequences of your charitable activities. Tax information provided relates to federal tax matters only, and availability of certain federal tax deductions may depend on whether you itemize deductions.
Knights of Columbus Asset Advisors (“KoCAA”) is an SEC registered investment adviser that maintains a principal place of business in the State of Connecticut. For information about KoCAA’s business operations, please consult the Firm’s Form ADV disclosure documents, the most recent versions of which are available on the SEC’s Investment Adviser Public Disclosure website at adviserinfo.sec.gov. KoCAA is a wholly owned subsidiary of Knights of Columbus, one of the world’s largest Catholic Lay Organizations. Investing involves risk and you may gain or lose money on your investments. KoCAA’s status as a Registered Investment Adviser does not imply a certain level of skill or training. For additional information visit KoCAA.com or write to kofcfunds@kofcassetadvisors.org. This information is intended for current or prospective investors in the U.S. only.
20156 9/24
2024.09.19.FLA.108: https://conta.cc/3Xp42EU

Are you aware of how donor-advised funds and investments can help amplify your council’s charitable activities and simplify your fundraising? Join us to learn more about the financial resources available to help maximize your council’s impact. President of Knights of Columbus Charitable Fund Dennis Gerber, Jr., and Director of Individual Investor Business Development Joseph Novak will present and participate in a live Q&A. The webinar will be held on Thursday, September 26, 2024, at 6 p.m. MT. Register today to reserve your spot.

Attendance at this event will be counted as a Fraternal Benefit Event for your council. A confirmation email will be sent to the Grand Knight after the event. You will not need to submit a Fraternal Benefits Event Report (#11077) unless one of the following issues exists:

  • You believe there were more attendees from your council than we recorded. If this is the case, contact your State Deputy for a list of recorded attendees and submit form 11077 to report additional member or member-eligible attendees not included on that report.
  • You held a watch party for the event where one person registered for the event, and multiple people attended. Submit a form 11077 for all member or member-eligible attendees that did not register on their own. 

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6:00 pm [FBS] Fraternal Benefit Event - Maximize Your Council’s Impact

Submit your event

Have an upcoming Knights event to promote? Use this form Click Here – UT KofC Event Form