125th Anniversary Exemplification (29-MAR-2024)

Fourth Degree of the Knights of Columbus 125th Anniversary & Exemplification information.

February 22, 2025, New York City (details).
March 29, 2025 at Saint Vincent de Paul Parish, Holladay, Utah.

We’re looking forward to having a record-breaking class of 75 candidates at this historic event with the new ceremonial that families and friends are welcome to witness.  Invitation (PDF, PDF with QR code).  Invitation Flyer (PDF)

Candidate registration is open.  Price increases on 2/18 (from $75 to $85 for each candidate), and registration closes on 3/10.  Note: Dinner reservations may also be made using the online candidate registration form before the March 10th deadline.

Please save the date!  The schedule starts at 2:00 PM for Candidate Check-In, Mass at 5:00 PM with social and banquet dinner to follow.  Questions can be directed to your local Faithful Navigator, or the Master of the Utah District J. Nick Nielson.

Note: Candidates should complete their Form 4 application.

Need a hotel?  “Knights of Columbus Utah” has a block of rooms at “Comfort Inn Murray – Salt Lake City South” (440 West 5300 South, Murray, UT 84123), $99/night, call the front desk at 385-220-5774, option 2 and ask for the front desk. Check in 3/28 or 3/29, check out 3/30.

Knights Point the World to Jesus Christ

Knights Point the World to Jesus Christ

Knights Point the World to Jesus Christ.
Learn More



The world needs courageous men to witness to Jesus Christ.  Cor exists to form and strengthen Catholic men in faith and virtue as missionary disciples by drawing them into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ through prayer, formation, and fraternityCor is Christ centered brotherhood.

More information at www.KofC.org/cor.  Webinar Cor: Evangelization and Formation for the Men of Your Parish recorded Sept.  7, 2023.  PDF Resources: Why Cor? (11541), Starting Cor in Three Steps (11540), Cor Startup Guide (11500).
Maintaining Cor Momentum online event on Monday, May 6, 2024 at 6:30 PM MT

Note: The word ‘cor’ is Latin for heart and the root of the word courage.


You are invited to put your faith into action - Join Us!

You are invited to put your faith in action.  There is much good and necessary work to be done in this world, and that’s what Knights do every day.  When the time is right, joining online is easy.
www.KofC.org/JoinUswww.KofC.org/Unete ~ www.KofC.org/adherer
(That message is available on recruiter cards # 10536)
Learn More about the Knights at https://KofC.org/LearnMore


Coming Events

XXFYI - Novena For Peace and Healing in Ukraine (2025)
02-15-2025 - 02-23-2025

Novena For Peace and Healing in Ukraine

Last February, in anticipation of the second anniversary of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Knights of Columbus around the world united themselves in prayer and solidarity with over 3,000 Knights and their families living in Ukraine by praying a novena for peace and healing. Knights and others are once again invited to pray the novena this year, beginning Feb. 15.


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02-15-2025 - 02-23-2025 FYI - Novena For Peace and Healing in Ukraine (2025)
XXFraternal Training: Faith and Fraternity Foundations for Success
02-20-2025   6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Virtual Training Webinar
February 20, 2025......Faith and Fraternity Foundations for Success
Registration Link: https://goto.webcasts.com/starthere.jsp?ei=1707351&tp_key=5c6a8c0f66
While much of our focus as Knights is evangelizing and serving others, this work is fruitless without a strong foundation in faith and fraternity. This webinar will explore programs and resources your council can use to foster an ironclad brotherhood, and then transcend this deep friendship into impactful mission.
The Fraternal Training Calendar is online at https://www.kofc.org/en/for-members/resources/fraternal-training/regional-training-director-page.html
The Fraternal Mission department is planning a series of exciting and informative webinars for the 2024-2025 fraternal year. Check out the schedule below and mark your calendars today to ensure you don’t miss one. Watch future issues of the FLA to register throughout the year.
2024.08.08.FLA - Save the Date! https://conta.cc/3Aiymt1
2025.02.06.FLA - Details! https://conta.cc/40LU0Q0
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6:00 pm Fraternal Training: Faith and Fraternity Foundations for Success
XXNew Fourth Degree Exemplification (125th Anniversary, NYC)
02-22-2025   All Day Event
St. Patrick's Cathedral, 5th Ave, New York, NY 10022, USA
Utah Delegation: 
District Master Nick Nielson
Joe Bouley
Ed Ortega, FDD, District Marshal
Ray Salazar
Brian M Vallese (GK 5502)
2024.10.25. Supreme Master's Newsletter --
I am excited to share with you that the registration site is up and running for the Fourth Degree’s 125th Anniversary Celebration to be held on Saturday, February 22, 2025, at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City. Click HERE
for more information. Sir Knights and Knights from around the world are encouraged to attend this historic event. Just last week, I was at the cathedral to study plans for the exemplification, which will be the premiere of the Revised Patriotic Degree, which was formally adopted by the Supreme Board of Directors on October 11th in San Juan, Puerto Rico. More exciting is that for the first time, the degree will be open to family and friends to learn the great Catholic history of the United States and to see their loved one swear an oath to serve our nation as a devout Catholic and Sir Knight. With the completion of the United States degree, we now turn our focus to our international jurisdictions to begin revising and updating their patriotic degrees.
February 22nd will be an incredible day. In fact, it is the exact same date that the Fourth Degree was first exemplified in New York City in 1900. Joining us will be the Supreme Officers and Directors, as well as the Vice Supreme Masters. In 1900, they had a class of more than 1,000 candidates. Our goal is to come as close to that number as possible to increase enthusiasm and energy for the Fourth Degree as we begin our next 125 years!
So please make plans to attend the exemplification and the Anniversary Mass that will follow and will be concelebrated by our Worthy Supreme Chaplain Archbishop William E. Lori, and His Eminence Timothy Michael Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York. A banquet will follow the Mass at the New York Hilton – Midtown Manhattan.
2024.10.25. Supreme Master's Newsletter --
Celebrate the Fourth Degree's 125th Anniversary!
You’re invited to a celebration commemorating the 125th anniversary of the Fourth Degree

Join us Saturday, Feb. 22, 2025, at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City as we hold an Exemplification of the Fourth Degree; dedicate a new statue of Blessed Michael McGivney; and attend Mass concelebrated by Cardinal Timothy Dolan, archbishop of New York, and Archbishop William Lori, our Worthy Supreme Chaplain and archbishop of Baltimore.
Sign up now
Following the events at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, you’re invited to a celebration banquet at the New York Hilton Midtown.
On this milestone day, we will conduct, for the first time, the revised U.S. Fourth Degree Exemplification. This is an exciting opportunity for Fourth Degree members to witness the updated ceremony and for current Third Degree members to take the Patriotic Degree.
Extend this invitation to members in your assembly and help us make this celebration one to remember! In conjunction with your promotional efforts, we’ll email an invitation to all members.
Visit the registration page to sign up and start spreading the word!
Sign up now
You can find more details, including ticket cost and travel information, on this Frequently Asked Questions sheet.
We can’t wait to see you at this historic event!
All Knights are strongly encouraged to celebrate with us. If you’re unable to travel to New York, you can hold a local exemplification in honor of the anniversary on a date of your choosing.
2/22/2025 Saint Patrick's Cathedral in NYC will be in the inaugural [new 4th degree exemplification], at 125th anniversary of the fourth degree.
-- District Master Bob Masse Jr PSD on April 28, 2024 at Biennial Meeting in Utah.
2024.08.29 New District Master Training
New Exemplification Kick Off Dates:
• February 22, 2025, in New York City, New York
• March 1, 2025, in Los Angeles, California
• March 22, 2025, in Indianapolis, Indiana
“Preparation for the 125th Anniversary of the 4th Degree”
• Quarterly District Master training
October 21, 2024 at 6:00 PM MDT
“Preparation for the New 4th Degree Exemplification”
• Quarterly District Master training
January 20, 2025 at 6:00 PM MST
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All Day New Fourth Degree Exemplification (125th Anniversary, NYC)
XXAnnual Chili and Baking Cook Off (after 5pm Mass) (Council 16127)
02-22-2025   4:45 pm - 8:00 pm
Hill Air Force Base, Hill AFB, UT, USA
From: Stacey Yeager <stacey.a.yeager@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Feb 10, 2025 at 9:03 AM
Subject: Re: FW: Entry Access List
        For the Hill AFB K of C Council Chili cookoff and dessert contest on 22 Feb 2025 we will need the below information for anyone that wants to join either as a spectator or competitor that needs base access.  If we get at least 6 names we can set up an EAL at the South Gate.  [Deadline for EAL is 14 Feb 1200.]  This info will need to be sent to Bro SSgt William Griffith at the below email.  I will need names of anyone wishing to enter one of the competitions.  Entries need to be at the Base Chapel Annex no later than 5:00 pm Mass starts at 5 and the competition and social will start immediately following the Mass.
First Name
Last Name
Driver’s License Number
State that issued Driver’s License
Date of Birth
Email above info to:
Stacey A. Yeager
2025.01.30 from DD Stacey Yeager:
Meant to tell you Council 16127 will be holding their Annual Chili and baking cook off 22 Feb after the 1700 mass. All are welcome to compete or come join in.
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4:45 pm Annual Chili and Baking Cook Off (after 5pm Mass) (Council 16127)
XX"Connect with Catholics" Interfaith Event (Council 13297)
02-22-2025   6:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Saint Vincent de Paul Catholic Church, Holladay, 1375 Spring Ln, Holladay, UT 84117, USA
"Connect with Catholics" Interfaith Event — Saturday February 22nd 2025, 6:30 - 9:00 PM in the Benvegnu Center: More details and a flyer to come.
Michael Goleniewski
Added 2024.11.27 
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6:30 pm "Connect with Catholics" Interfaith Event (Council 13297)
XXMembership Drive
02-23-2025   8:00 am - 12:00 pm
St Henry's Catholic Church, 380 S 200 E, Brigham City, UT 84302, USA
Mass on Sunday 8:30am, 10:30am (Spanish) ~~~ We are looking for some assistance for the Hispanic community. It would be following their mass, which starts at 10:30 and is over around 11:30. We can have a table set up. Thanks. ~~~ From: Richard Barnett Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2025 2:20 PM To: AGC Services Subject: Re: St Henry's Membership Drive   All, the Saint Henry's ministry fair will be February 23rd. There will be events after both masses but we could use a Spanish speaker(s), following the Spanish Mass at 11:30. I think we have some Spanish recruitment literature but it would be nice to have some extra material available.   Alex our Grand Knight is on this thread too.   Thank you, Richard Barnett FS 5347 (435)730-1150.
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8:00 am Membership Drive
XXFree Throw Championship (District 5)
02-23-2025   12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
St John the Baptist Catholic Elementary School, 300 11800 S, Draper, UT 84020, USA
For District 5, District Deputy Bob Diaz. ~ 11:00 AM Mass at SJB (optional) 12:30 PM Council winners check-in for District. 1:00 PM Start District Free Throw Championship.
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12:30 pm Free Throw Championship (District 5)
XX[FBS] Beneficios Fraternales: Estrategias para un Futuro Seguro (Spanish, Virtual)
02-25-2025   6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Spanish Virtual Fraternal Benefit Event - Tuesday, February 25
Beneficios Fraternales: Estrategias para un Futuro Seguro
We are excited to announce the first Virtual Spanish Fraternal Benefit Event for 2025! This virtual event is a fantastic opportunity for many Councils to achieve their FBE goals. Your support in promoting this event is crucial.
Event Details:
Date: Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Time: 6:00 PM MT
Registration Link: https://tinyurl.com/KofCFeb25
Please note that this event will be held exclusively in Spanish. Let's work together to make this event a success!
To download the promotional flyer, click here.
2025.01.23.FLA (Spanish) https://campaignlp.constantcontact.com/em/1100501894679/1bdf7fc8-597c-4ba5-baec-a1b7b6a4450f
Beneficios Fraternales: Estrategias para un Futuro Seguro: US & CANADA
¡Únase a nosotros el martes 25 de febrero para un evento regional con nuestro estimado hermano, José Lebrón-Sanabria, vicepresidente de Ventas Hispanas, quien presentará sobre “Estrategias para un Futuro Seguro”!
Esta oportunidad está abierta a todos los miembros y no miembros hispanos. ¡Los animamos a difundir la noticia dentro de sus consejos hispanos, comunidades y parroquias!
Detalles del evento:
Fecha: martes, 25 de febrero de 2025
Enlace de registro: https://tinyurl.com/KofCFeb25
Hora: 6:00 PM MST
Para descargar materiales promocionales, haga clic en la palabra “Folleto”.
2025.02.06.FLA https://conta.cc/40LU0Q0
Fraternal Benefit Event in Spanish - U.S. and Canada only 
Join us on Tuesday, February 25th, for a regional event with our esteemed brother, José Lebrón-Sanabria, Vice President of Hispanic Sales, who will present on "Strategies for a Secure Future"!
Please note that this virtual event will be held exclusively in Spanish.
This opportunity is open to all members and non-members. We encourage you to spread the word within your Hispanic councils, communities, and parishes!
Event Details:Date: Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Registration Link: https://tinyurl.com/KofCFeb25
Time: 8:00 PM EDT | 7:00 PM CDT | 5:00 PM PDT
To download the promotional flyer, click on https://files.constantcontact.com/716460b3001/3796455b-f90d-473e-a8c8-ddc63b8d2f48.pdf
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6:00 pm [FBS] Beneficios Fraternales: Estrategias para un Futuro Seguro (Spanish, Virtual)
XXFraternal Training: Online Tools & Resources
02-25-2025   6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Virtual Training Webinar
February 25, 2025 6:00 PM.......Online Tools & Resources
Online Tools & Resources
Tue, Feb 25, 2025 6:00 PM MST
The Knights of Columbus offers Officers and Members a variety of online resources to assist them in managing and administrating council duties. The kofc.org website houses all the guides, forms and information any officer or member needs to make their council successful. Join us as we breakdown and analyze the Officers Online and For Members portals found at the kofc.org website.  
Register now to join us on February 25, 2025.
If you can't join us live, the webinar will be available afterwards to watch on-demand at your convenience - sign up now to ensure you get the link for this important webinar.
To Register, please fill out the form to the right where it says, "Complete this form to enter the webcast." Then click the yellow "Submit" button.
The Fraternal Training Calendar is online at https://www.kofc.org/en/for-members/resources/fraternal-training/regional-training-director-page.html
Source: 205.01.18 State Deputy Weekly Updates

Go to Event
6:00 pm Fraternal Training: Online Tools & Resources

Submit your event

Have an upcoming Knights event to promote? Use this form Click Here – UT KofC Event Form 

What are the Knights of Columbus?

The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic men’s fraternal benefit society that was formed to render financial aid to members and their families. Mutual aid and assistance are offered to sick, disabled and needy members and their families. Social and intellectual fellowship is promoted among members and their families through educational, charitable, religious, social welfare, war relief and public relief works. Imagine being part of an organization that fills your heart and your mind with the joy of giving to others and the feeling that comes with making a difference. Knights are Catholic men, 18 years of age and older, who are committed to making their community a better place, while supporting their Church. Being a Knight is more than camaraderie; it is being involved with your community; it is supporting your local Catholic Church, while enhancing your own faith; it is about protecting and enhancing your family life. Please contact us for more information about becoming a Knight!

State Update Newsletter

2025: December • November • October • September • August • July • June • May • April • March • FebruaryJanuary
2024: DecemberNovember • OctoberSeptember • August • JulyJune May April March • FebruaryJanuary
2023: DecemberNovember • OctoberSeptemberAugustJulyJuneMay AprilMarchFebruaryJanuary
2022: DecemberNovemberOctoberSeptemberAugustJuly • June • MayAprilMarch • February • January
2021: DecemberNovemberOctober • SeptemberAugustJulyJuneMay • AprilMarchFebruaryJanuary
2020: DecemberNovember • OctoberSeptember • August • JulyJuneMay • April • March • February • January
2019: DecemberNovemberOctoberSeptemberAugust • July • June • May • April • March • February • January
2018: DecemberNovember • OctoberSeptemberAugustJulyJuneMayAprilMarchFebruaryJanuary
2017: DecemberNovemberOctoberSeptemberAugustJulyJuneMayAprilMarchFebruaryJanuary
2016: DecemberNovemberOctoberSeptemberAugustJulyJuneMayAprilMarchFebruaryJanuary
2015: DecemberNovemberOctoberSeptemberAugust • July • June • May • April • March • February • January
2014: DecemberAugust
2012: February

Make check out to “Knights of Columbus Utah State Council” and mail to:
William T. McCauley
Utah K. of C. State Secretary
1752 Briar Glen Lane
Sandy, UT 84092-5811

Please remember to write the project you want your donation applied to, such as “Coats for Kids” or “Ultrasound” in the check’s memo line.

Donate Online

To make safe, secure donations to Utah Knights of Columbus and our worthy projects using a credit card or with your PayPal account, follow the instructions below after clicking the “Donate” button.