State Calendar

<December 2024>

XXMembership Drive Weekend (Council 8350)
11-30-2024 - 12-01-2024
Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church, 3560 W 3650 S, West Valley City, UT 84119, USA
Weekend one of two. ~~ Mass Times ~~ Saturday 5:00pm (English) 7:00pm (Español) Sunday 7:00am (Español) 10:00am (English) 1:30pm (Español) ~~ Contacts: State Deputy Frank Carmona Council Retention Chair Bob Masse Jr PSD District Deputy Marco Gonzalez
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Membership Drive Weekend (Council 8350)


XXLinks: 2024-2025 Fraternal Success Planner + More! (PDF)
12-01-2024   All Day Event

Fraternal Planner 2024-2025 [5033 1/24, 52 pages]
Utah KofC Activity Publicity Form
Faith in Action Guidebook [10907 9/23, 24 pages]
Protocol, Meetings, and Ceremonials [11620 1/24, 96 pages]
Fraternal Excellence Guide (Practical Information for Council and District Officers) ~ Effective July 1, 2024 [11619 2/24, 64 pages]
Leadership Resources and Guides -> Fraternal Operations -> Fraternal Leader Resources


Use these documents as tools to enhance your knowledge as a fraternal leader in the Knights of Columbus. The instructions, rules and advice provided in these resources will help you in setting an example of charity, unity and fraternity.

Training - Officer Resources
Grand Knight Responsibilities (Has the OLD Meeting Agenda) [1937 5/15]
CUF Ceremonial Invitations:
Fraternal Planner Color Coding:
Forms or Event Deadlines {RED} 2024-2025
Important Dates {GOLD} 2024-2025
Membership Activities {Light Green} 2024-2025
Programming Activities {Dark Green} 2024-2025

Little change in the colors from 2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023 and 2023-2024
(Previously membership was green, and programming was purple, Supreme Office Events were tan)
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Links: 2024-2025 Fraternal Success Planner + More! (PDF)

XXFraternal Training: Navigating Council Forms
12-02-2024   6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Virtual Training Webinar
December 2, 2024 6:00 PM......Navigating Council Forms
Navigating Council Forms
December 2, 2024 at 6:00PM MST
Completing council forms should be one of the easiest tasks for a council officer. However, due to the number of forms available it can be quite challenging. In this webinar we will look at the most common council forms, highlighting how and where to find them, how to complete them, how to submit them, and how to make corrections or additions.
Register now to join us on December 2, 2024 at 6:00PM MST
If you can't join us live, the webinar will be available afterwards to watch on-demand at your convenience - sign up now to ensure you get the link for this important webinar.
To Register, please fill out the form to the right where it says, "Complete this form to enter the webcast." Then click the yellow "Submit" button.
The Fraternal Training Calendar is online at
Source: 2024.11.07 FLA Volume 111. ~

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6:00 pm Fraternal Training: Navigating Council Forms

XX15418 St. Ambrose Council (Salt Lake City)
12-02-2024   7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Saint Ambrose Catholic Church, E, 2315 E Redondo Ave, Salt Lake City, UT 84108, USA
Meetings: 1st Monday, 7:00 PM-St. Ambrose-Goslin Hall, 2315 Redondo Ave. Salt Lake City, Utah
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7:00 pm 15418 St. Ambrose Council (Salt Lake City)

XXHG: Viewing/Funeral - Deacon James Garcia (Council 6739, A3758)
12-03-2024   11:00 am - 1:30 pm
Saint Marguerite Catholic School, 15 S 7th St, Tooele, UT 84074, USA
Honor Guard (2): Barry Stine & (GK) James McManaman
A viewing will be held on Tuesday, December 3, 2024, from 11 a.m.-12 p.m., followed by a funeral Mass at noon, at St. Marguerite Catholic Church, 15 South 7th Street, Tooele, Utah.
"Luncheon to follow in the Parish Hall."
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11:00 am HG: Viewing/Funeral - Deacon James Garcia (Council 6739, A3758)

XX10733 Vic Giasson Council (St. George)
12-03-2024   7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
St George Catholic Church, 259 W 200 N, St. George, UT 84770, USA
Meetings: 1st Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM-St. George Church Hall, 259 West 200 North, St. George, Utah (Rosary-6:30)
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7:00 pm 10733 Vic Giasson Council (St. George)

XX14399 Bishop Joseph Lennox Federal Council (Holy Family, Ogden)
12-03-2024   7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Holy Family Catholic Church, 1100 E 5550 S, Ogden, UT 84403, USA
Meetings: 1st Tuesday, 7:00 PM-Bishop Federal Hall, Holy Family Parish Center, 1100 E 5550 S, So. Ogden, Utah 84403
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7:00 pm 14399 Bishop Joseph Lennox Federal Council (Holy Family, Ogden)

XX6010 St. Rose of Lima Council (Layton)
12-03-2024   7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
St Rose of Lima Catholic Church, 210 Chapel St, Layton, UT 84041, USA
Meetings: 1st Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM-St. Rose of Lima Parish Hall, 210 S. Chapel, Layton, Utah
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7:00 pm 6010 St. Rose of Lima Council (Layton)

XX6966 Corpus Christi Council (Sandy)
12-03-2024   7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church, 9757 S 1700 E, Sandy, UT 84092, USA
Meetings: 1st Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM-Blessed Sacrament CCD Center, 9757 South 1700 East, Sandy.
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7:00 pm 6966 Corpus Christi Council (Sandy)

XX9849 St. James Council (Ogden)
12-03-2024   7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
St James Church, 495 N Harrison Blvd, Ogden, UT 84404, USA
Meetings: 1st Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM. St. James Parish Hall Basement, 495 N. Harrison Blvd., Ogden, Utah.
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7:00 pm 9849 St. James Council (Ogden)

XXRed Cross Blood Drive (Council 6966)
12-04-2024   2:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church, 9757 S 1700 E, Sandy, UT 84092, USA
Register online at
Knights of Columbus Council 6966 Blood Drive!
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
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2:00 pm Red Cross Blood Drive (Council 6966)

XX14239 St. Andrew Council (Riverton)
12-04-2024   6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Saint Andrew Catholic School, 11835 3600 W, Riverton, UT 84065, USA
Meetings: 1st Wednesday, 6:00 pm-St. Andrew School, 11825 3600 West, Riverton, Utah.
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6:00 pm 14239 St. Andrew Council (Riverton)

XX10304 St. Martin de Porres Council (Taylorsville)
12-04-2024   7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
St. Martin De Porres Catholic Church, 4914 S 2200 W, Taylorsville, UT 84129, USA
Meetings: 1st Wednesday at 7:00 PM-St. Martin de Porres, 4914 So 2200 West, Taylorsville, UT
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7:00 pm 10304 St. Martin de Porres Council (Taylorsville)

XX5502 St. Olaf Council (Bountiful)
12-04-2024   7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Saint Olaf Catholic Church, 276 E 1700 S, Bountiful, UT 84010, USA
Meetings: 1st Wednesday of the month at 7:00 PM - meeting in Chapel next to parish office, 276 E. 1700 So, Bountiful, UT 84010 Officer/Business meeting starts at 6:30 PM just before regular council meeting.
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7:00 pm 5502 St. Olaf Council (Bountiful)

XX9731 Our Lady of Lourdes Council (Magna)
12-04-2024   7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, 2840 S 9000 W, Magna, UT 84044, USA
Meetings: 1st Wednesday of the month at 7:00 PM-Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Hall, 2840 So. 9000 West, Magna, UT
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7:00 pm 9731 Our Lady of Lourdes Council (Magna)

XX777 Ogden Council
12-05-2024   6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
St. Joseph Catholic Church, 514 24th St, Ogden, UT 84401, USA
Meetings: 1st Thursday, 6:00 PM-St. Joseph Church, 514 24th St
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6:00 pm 777 Ogden Council

XXFraternal Training: District Deputy Webinar: Preparing for Your District Midyear Meeting
12-05-2024   6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Virtual Training Webinar

District Deputy Webinar: Preparing for Your District Midyear Meeting

Join us tonight, December 5th, at 8:00 PM ET for a special webinar just for District Deputies.

This webinar is designed to help you make your district midyear meeting successful. We will present helpful suggestions and great tips to make this meeting useful to all of the councils within your district. We also highlight how you can share powerful suggestions during your meeting that will help your councils finish the current year strong and be exceptionally well prepared for the next fraternal year.

Note that this webinar will include ample time for live Q&A from attendees. You won’t want to miss it.

And remember, if you can't join us live, it will be available on-demand afterwards. There is still time to sign-up to ensure you get the link for this important webinar. Click on the button below to register.

Register Now

December 5, 2024......Preparing for Your District Midyear Meeting (for District Deputies)
Registration Link -
Preparing for Your District Midyear Meeting
December 5, 2024 at 6:00 PM MST
Join us for a special webinar just for district deputies.
Take note as our panelists share practical tips to help you execute a successful district midyear meeting that is useful to every council in your district. Learn how you can offer suggestions during your meeting that will help your councils finish the current year strong and prepare for the next fraternal year.
Note this webinar will include ample time for live Q&A from attendees. You won’t want to miss it.
The Fraternal Training Calendar is online at
The Fraternal Mission department is planning a series of exciting and informative webinars for the 2024-2025 fraternal year. Check out the schedule below and mark your calendars today to ensure you don’t miss one. Watch future issues of the FLA to register throughout the year.
2024.08.08.FLA - Save the Date!
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6:00 pm Fraternal Training: District Deputy Webinar: Preparing for Your District Midyear Meeting

XX9561 Fr Dominguez Council (Payson) Mtg 1 of 2
12-05-2024   7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
San Andres Catholic Church, 315 E 100 N, Payson, UT 84651, USA
Meetings: 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM-St. Andres Parish Hall, 315 East 100 North, Payson, Utah
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7:00 pm 9561 Fr Dominguez Council (Payson) Mtg 1 of 2

XXAssembly 2577 ~ Reverend Thomas J. Meersman
12-05-2024   7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Contact Faithful Navigator (or see details below)
Assembly 2577 ~ Reverend Thomas J. Meersman
Sandy, Draper, Holladay, Midvale, Riverton
Serving Councils: 6966, 11479, 12181, 13297, 13646, 14239
Meetings: 1st Thursday of each month at 7:30 PM. Assembly alternates meeting sites.
Assembly Meeting information copied from the Knights of Columbus, Utah State Council, Directory 2023-2024 (dated August 29, 2023).
Rotation Schedule has been set for years:
SJB (JAN & JUL), BS (FEB & AUG), STM (MAR & SEP), StVdP (APR & OCT), SToLCJ (MAY & NOV), SA (JUN & DEC) and the pattern continues -- we're [typically] in the same parishes on the same months each year!
SJB = Saint John the Baptist, 300 East 11800 South, Draper, UT 84020
BS = Blessed Sacrament, 9757 South 1700 East, Sandy, UT 84092
STM = Saint Thomas More, 3015 Creek Road, Cottonwood Height, UT 84093
SVdP = Saint Vincent de Paul, 1375 Spring Lane, Holladay, UT 84117
SToLCJ = Saint Therese of the Little Child Jesus, 624 West Lennox St, Midvale, UT 84047
SA = Saint Andrew, 11835 South 3600 West, Riverton, UT 84065
Cathedral = Cathedral = Cathedral of the Madeleine, 331 E. South Temple, Salt Lake City, UT, 84111
Schedule of Assembly 2577 Meetings for 2023-2024:
Thu. 07/06/2023, SJB, Draper, "Coffee Room"
Thu. 08/03/2023, BS, Sandy, "Parish Hall"
Thu. 09/07/2023, STM, Cottonwood Heights - Room 12
Thu. 10/05/2023, SVdP, Holladay - Holy Family Hall
Thu. 11/02/2023, STotCJ, Midvale - "Colleton Hall" in the Religious Education Building.
Thu. 12/07/2023, SA, Riverton
Thu. 01/04/2024, SJB, Draper, "Coffee Room"
Thu. 02/01/2024, BS, Sandy, "Parish Hall"
Thu. 03/07/2024, STM, Cottonwood Heights
Thu. 04/04/2024, SVdP, Holladay
Thu. 05/02/2024, STotCJ, Midvale (officer elections)
Thu. 06/06/2024, SA, Riverton
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7:30 pm Assembly 2577 ~ Reverend Thomas J. Meersman

XXChristmas Party (Council 12181)
12-06-2024   6:00 pm - 11:59 pm
St John the Baptist Catholic Church, 300 11800 S, Draper, UT 84020, USA
RSVP online at
Cost: $40/person.
Details on the online form linked above.
Added 2024.10.23
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Patrick Schmitt <>
Date: Wed, Oct 23, 2024 at 7:25 PM
Subject: [KofC C12181] Council 12181 2024 Christmas Party

It's that time of year when the days get shorter, the air gets a little cooler and the snow starts to blanket the mountains. This also means that Christmas is just around the corner and we have just the thing to jump-start your Christmas season. 

That's right, our annual Council Christmas party is coming up - Friday, Dec. 6th to be exact. It is a time to celebrate the reason for the season and to take a break from and reflect on all of the hard work the Council has put in this past year.

For those of you who attended last year’s party, (or sort of remember attending), you know how much fun we had. Well, this year we are trying to top that. Our theme this year is "An American Country Christmas." That's right, we're goin' Western! Yee-Haw! It's time to polish those spurs and break out the big hat. It's your night to let your inner cowboy or cowgirl (for the ladies attending) out.

In true Western fashion, dinner will be BBQ catered by Goodwood BBQ. We will have a bar (complete with red solo cups for those rednecks out there), a 50/50 raffle, auction items, a white elephant gift exchange, and a “best western attire” contest and perhaps another contest or two – with prizes, and awards for Knight of the Year and Family of the Year.

The Three Amigos (SJB singers Kody Anderson, Steven Penderghast, and Bill Kaiser) have agreed to serenade us again – and perhaps, lead us in a line dance. All proceeds from the event (after expenses), will go to charity (still determining the recipient for this year).

Space is limited, so be sure to register early. The registration deadline is Tuesday, Nov. 26th. To register, click here and complete the online form and payment. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me – or  503-768-4573.

We hope to see you there!

Patrick Schmitt

Council 12181 Chancellor and party chairman

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6:00 pm Christmas Party (Council 12181)

XXHG: Eucharistic Procession (6pm Mass, 6:45pm Procession) (District)
12-06-2024   6:00 pm - 7:45 pm
St. Catherine of Siena Newman Center, 170 S, 170 S University St, Salt Lake City, UT 84102, USA
Adoration 5-6, Mass at 6:00, and procession starts about 6:45 pm (directly after Mass).
Honor Guard for the procession, usually carrying the canopy.
Note: NO KNEELERS at the congregation's chairs.  You may want to consider a pad.
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6:00 pm HG: Eucharistic Procession (6pm Mass, 6:45pm Procession) (District)

XXMembership Drive Weekend (Council 8350)
12-07-2024 - 12-08-2024
Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church, 3560 W 3650 S, West Valley City, UT 84119, USA
Weekend two of two. ~~ Mass Times ~~ Saturday 5:00pm (English) 7:00pm (Español) Sunday 7:00am (Español) 10:00am (English) 1:30pm (Español) ~~ Contacts: State Deputy Frank Carmona Council Retention Chair Bob Masse Jr PSD District Deputy Marco Gonzalez
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Membership Drive Weekend (Council 8350)

XXState Coats for Kids Distribution (Council 9731)
12-07-2024   11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, 2840 S 9000 W, Magna, UT 84044, USA
State Council Coats for Kids distribution partnered with Council 9731. Setup starts at 9 AM in the gym. Cleanup done by 2pm. ~ Contact Grand Knight 9731 Richie. Contact District Deputy Barry Stine at 435-9503 ~ Note: The State Coats for Kids Chairman is Bob Masse Jr. PSD,, or 801-910-7885. ~~ FYI - 3pm Bingo setup 630pm Bingo playing
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11:00 am State Coats for Kids Distribution (Council 9731)

XXCoats for Kids Distribution (Council 602)
12-07-2024   4:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Cathedral of the Madeleine, 331 E S Temple St, Salt Lake City, UT 84111, USA
Date: Fri, Nov 15, 2024 at 1:21 PM
Subject: Re: KofC / Coats for Kids - Distributions in Utah
We just confirmed the times for our coat distribution.  We've also invited Sacred Heart and Our Lady of Guadalupe parishes too.
Council 602 will hold their Coats for Kids distribution in the Cathedral of the Madeleine courtyard.  Here's the schedule:
Saturday, 12/7 from 4:30pm to 7pm
Sunday, 12/8  from 9:30am to 1pm (while supplies last)
Ed Henkels, GK Council 602
Grand Knight 602 Ed Henkels <>
Note: The State Coats for Kids Chairman is Bob Masse Jr. PSD,, or 801-910-7885.
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4:30 pm Coats for Kids Distribution (Council 602)

XXChristmas Party (Council 1129)
12-07-2024   6:30 pm - 11:45 pm
Saint Mary's Catholic Church, 1505 White Pne Cyn Rd, Park City, UT 84060, USA
UPDATE:  • December 7, 2024 Council 1129 Christmas Party Pot Luck St. Mary’s Parish Center 6:30 PM   ~ • December 7, 2024 Council 1129 Christmas Party St. Mary’s Parish Center 6:30 PM ~ From Knights of Columbus Council 1129 Calendar of Events 2024-2025 as of July 8, 2024.   ~ John Carty, Grand Knight (435) 655-5073
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6:30 pm Christmas Party (Council 1129)



XXCoats for Kids Distribution (Council 602)
12-08-2024   9:30 am - 1:00 pm
Cathedral of the Madeleine, 331 E S Temple St, Salt Lake City, UT 84111, USA
Date: Fri, Nov 15, 2024 at 1:21 PM
Subject: Re: KofC / Coats for Kids - Distributions in Utah
We just confirmed the times for our coat distribution.  We've also invited Sacred Heart and Our Lady of Guadalupe parishes too.
Council 602 will hold their Coats for Kids distribution in the Cathedral of the Madeleine courtyard.  Here's the schedule:
Saturday, 12/7 from 4:30pm to 7pm
Sunday, 12/8  from 9:30am to 1pm (while supplies last)
Ed Henkels, GK Council 602
Grand Knight 602 Ed Henkels <>
Note: The State Coats for Kids Chairman is Bob Masse Jr. PSD,, or 801-910-7885.
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9:30 am Coats for Kids Distribution (Council 602)

XX14764 Fr. Thomas Kraft Council (SLC)
12-08-2024   12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
St. Catherine of Sienna Newman Center, 170 S. University Ave, Salt Lake City, UTah
2023.07.21: Council 14764 at St. Catherine has changed their meeting time to every 2nd Sunday at noon in the parish library (lower level).
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12:00 pm 14764 Fr. Thomas Kraft Council (SLC)

XX2611 St. Anthony Council (Helper)
12-08-2024   12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church, 5 S Main St, Helper, UT 84526, USA
Meetings: 2nd Sunday at Noon-St. Anthony’s Parish Hall, 5 So Main St., Helper
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12:00 pm 2611 St. Anthony Council (Helper)

XXMembership Drive Weekend (Council 8350)
12-07-2024 - 12-08-2024
Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church, 3560 W 3650 S, West Valley City, UT 84119, USA
Weekend two of two. ~~ Mass Times ~~ Saturday 5:00pm (English) 7:00pm (Español) Sunday 7:00am (Español) 10:00am (English) 1:30pm (Español) ~~ Contacts: State Deputy Frank Carmona Council Retention Chair Bob Masse Jr PSD District Deputy Marco Gonzalez
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Membership Drive Weekend (Council 8350)

XXHDO: IMMACULATE CONCEPTION (Celebrated)(Mass is required)
12-09-2024   All Day Event
* Since December 8, 2024, is the Second Sunday of Advent, the Solemnity of the Immaculate
Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary is transferred to Monday, December 9. The
obligation to attend Mass, however, does not transfer.  [YES, IT DOES!]  The Optional Memorial of Saint Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin, December 9, is omitted this year.
(Patronal Feast day of the United States of America), white; 
Solemnity [Still a Holyday of Obligation this year]
Gn 3:9-15, 20/Eph 1:3-6, 11-12/Lk 1:26-38 (689) Pss Prop
HDO = Holy Day of Obligation (USA)
In addition to Sunday, the days to be observed as holy days of obligation in the Latin Rite dioceses of the United States of America, in conformity with canon 1246, are as follows:
* January 1, the solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
* Thursday of the Sixth Week of Easter, the solemnity of the Ascension
* August 15, the solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
* November 1, the solemnity of All Saints
* December 8, the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception
* December 25, the solemnity of the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Whenever January 1, the solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, or August 15, the solemnity of the Assumption, or November 1, the solemnity of All Saints, falls on a Saturday or on a Monday, the precept to attend Mass is abrogated.
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HDO: IMMACULATE CONCEPTION (Celebrated)(Mass is required)

XXRed Cross Blood Drive (Council 11246)
12-09-2024   3:30 pm - 6:00 pm
Christ the King Catholic Church, 690 Cove Dr, Cedar City, UT 84720, USA
Red Cross Blood Drive is scheduled for Monday December 9th from 100pm to 6pm.  Reach out to GK Tom Whalen and/or Bill Lund for details. The Event calendar has been updated with a link to sign up to donate. Red Cross website
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3:30 pm Red Cross Blood Drive (Council 11246)

XX6739 St. Marguerite's Council (Tooele)
12-09-2024   7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Saint Marguerite Catholic School, 15 S 7th St, Tooele, UT 84074, USA
Meetings: 2nd Monday at 7:00 PM-St. Marguerite School, 15 South 7th Street Rm #5, Tooele, Utah.
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7:00 pm 6739 St. Marguerite's Council (Tooele)

XXAssembly 1146 ~ Father Escalante
12-09-2024   7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Saint Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, 65 W 500 N, Orem, UT 84057, USA
** March 2024 meetings changed to second Monday of the month (by a vote of 8-0). ~~~ Assembly 1146 ~ Father Escalante Provo, American Fork, Payson Serving Councils: 1136, 8606, 9561 ~ Meetings: 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM-St. Francis of Assisi Parish Hall, 65 East 500 North, Orem. (Call ahead to verify due to periodic venue changes) ~~~~~~~~ Assembly Meeting information copied from the Knights of Columbus, Utah State Council, Directory 2023-2024 (dated August 29, 2023).
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7:00 pm Assembly 1146 ~ Father Escalante

XX16127 Deacon Douglas Sliger Council (HAFB)
12-10-2024   6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
5711 E Avenue, Bldg 475. Hill AFB, UT 84056
Meetings: 2nd Tuesday, 6:00 PM-Christ Prince of Peace Catholic Community, Hill Air Force Base, UT
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6:00 pm 16127 Deacon Douglas Sliger Council (HAFB)

XXFraternal Training: How to start Cor: Foundation, Structure & Team
12-10-2024   6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Virtual Training Webinar
December 10, 2024 6:00 PM....How to start Cor: Foundation, Structure & Team
How to start Cor: Foundation, Structure & Team
December 10, 2024 at 6:00 PM MST
Building off the pervious webinar, Building Christ Centered Brotherhood, we will take a look at setting a firm foundation for the future of Cor for your council and parish, building a leadership team, and the basics to start Cor that will ensure consistency and long term engagement.
To Register, please fill out the form to the right where it says, "Complete this form to enter the webcast." Then click the yellow "Submit" button.
The Fraternal Training Calendar is online at
Source: 2024.11.22 eMail

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6:00 pm Fraternal Training: How to start Cor: Foundation, Structure & Team

XXFraternal Training: Transitioning from Online to Council Membership
12-10-2024   6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Virtual Training Webinar
December 10, 2024 6:00 PM....Transitioning from Online to Council Membership
Transitioning From Online to Council Membership
Tue, Dec 10, 2024 (6:00 PM MST)
December 10 @ 6 PM, MT.
You have done some successful recruitment.  You have prospects wanting to join.  What do you do next?  In this webinar we will discuss how to take those prospects to members and finally transitioning them to our Council.  Covered will be both processes for the Prospect and Candidate tabs.  We will take you, step by step for both e-members and members you gather from the events you do.  Come join us as we detail these two processes with ease.
Register now to join us on December 10 @ 6 PM, MT.
If you can't join us live, the webinar will be available afterwards to watch on-demand at your convenience - sign up now to ensure you get the link for this important webinar.
To Register, please fill out the form to the right where it says, "Complete this form to enter the webcast." Then click the yellow "Submit" button.
The Fraternal Training Calendar is online at
Source: 2024.11.07 FLA Volume 111. ~

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6:00 pm Fraternal Training: Transitioning from Online to Council Membership

XX11246 Fr. Joseph Valine Council (Cedar City)
12-10-2024   7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Christ the King Catholic Church, 690 Cove Dr, Cedar City, UT 84720, USA
Meetings: 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM-Christ the King Church, 690 South Cove Dr., Cedar City, Utah, 84720 (Rosary-6:30)
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7:00 pm 11246 Fr. Joseph Valine Council (Cedar City)

XX5214 Bishop Hunt Council (Kearns)
12-10-2024   7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
St. Francis Xavier School, 4501 W 5215 S, Kearns, UT 84118, USA
Meetings: 2nd Tue of the month at 7:00 PM – St. Francis of Xavier School, 4501 W 5215 S
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7:00 pm 5214 Bishop Hunt Council (Kearns)

XXAssembly 3501 ~ Saint John Paul II
12-10-2024   8:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Christ the King Catholic Church, 690 Cove Dr, Cedar City, UT 84720, USA
Assembly 3501 ~ Saint John Paul II
Cedar City, Utah
Serving Councils: 11246
Meetings: 2nd Tuesday of the month at 8:30 PM-Christ the King Church, 690 South Cove Dr., Cedar City, Utah, 84720), 6:30 PM Rosary, 7:00 PM Council Meeting;        
Assembly Meeting information copied from the Knights of Columbus, Utah State Council, Directory 2024-2025 (dated 11/11/2024, as corrected 11/18/2024).
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8:30 pm Assembly 3501 ~ Saint John Paul II

XXKCIC Poster Judging (Council 1129)
12-11-2024   All Day Event

• December 11 and 18, 2024 Judging St. Mary’s and St. Lawrence “Keep Christ in Christmas” posters. Immediately after the Knights meetings ~ From Knights of Columbus Council 1129 Calendar of Events 2024-2025 as of July 8, 2024.   ~ John Carty, Grand Knight (435) 655-5073
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KCIC Poster Judging (Council 1129)

XXHG: Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration
12-11-2024   6:30 pm - 11:59 pm
Cathedral of the Madeleine, 331 E S Temple St, Salt Lake City, UT 84111, USA ~~ Honor Guard (5 for procession & Mass entrance): Marshal Stacey Yeager, DD Marshal Ed Ortega, FDD SD Frank Carmona, FMFD Marco Gonzalez George Muggee, DD Early shift: Joe Bouley Joe Nesi, DD, FN Procession route: through the courtyard to C street, up to 1st Avenue, over to E street, down to South Temple, over to the Cathedral. 9:35pm ready to start, at Cathedral doors at 10:00pm. ~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THIS INFORMATON BELOW IS ALL FROM 2023.  NEW INFORMATION IS PENDING. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ Schedule: 6:00 PM Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe is set out (after the previous Mass ends) 6:45 PM Honor Guard Assemble (parking will get tighter as events begin) 7:15 PM (HG) Rosary with Religious Education Students 8:00 PM (HG) Mariachi Dinastia Mexicana ( 9:00 PM (HG) Apparitions Play 9:30 PM (HG) Outdoor Procession 10:00 PM (HG) Vigil with Cathedral Choirs & Orchestra 11:00 PM (HG) Spanish Mass with the Cathedral Choirs and orchestra, Bishop Solis Presiding. 12:00 AM Midnight (HG) Las Mañanitas with Aztec Dancers ~~~ 12-11-2023 6:45 pm - 12-12-2023 12:45 am  Las Mañanitas - Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe ~~~ 2022: ~~~ 2023.12.05.ATD - Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration — Monday, Dec. 11. The Cathedral of the Madeleine, 309 E. South Temple, SLC will have a 7:15 p.m. rosary; 8 p.m. mariachi, 9 p.m. Apparitions Play; 9:30 p.m. procession; 10 p.m. vigil; 11 p.m. Spanish Mass with Bishop Oscar A. Solis presiding, followed by Las Mañanitas.
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6:30 pm HG: Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration

XX1129 St Mary of the Assumption (Park City)
12-11-2024   7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Saint Mary's Catholic Church, 1505 White Pne Cyn Rd, Park City, UT 84060, USA
Meetings: 2nd Wednesday 7:00 PM-St. Mary’s Church, 1505 White Pine Canyon Rd.
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7:00 pm 1129 St Mary of the Assumption (Park City)

XX13297 St. Vincent's Council (Holladay)
12-11-2024   7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
St Vincent de Paul Benvegnu Center, 1385 Spring Ln, Holladay, UT 84117, USA
Meetings: 2nd Wednesday, at 7:00 PM-St. Vincent’s Parish, Benvegnu Center, 1375 E. Spring Lane, Holladay, Utah
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7:00 pm 13297 St. Vincent's Council (Holladay)

XX602 Salt Lake Council
12-11-2024   7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Cathedral of the Madeleine, 331 E S Temple St, Salt Lake City, UT 84111, USA
Meetings: 2nd Wednesday at 7:00 PM-Cathedral-331 E South Temple St (meeting in basement?)
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7:00 pm 602 Salt Lake Council

XX8606 Msgr. Edward F. Dowling Council (American Fork)
12-11-2024   7:30 pm - 8:30 pm
622 Caveman Blvd, American Fork, UT 84003, USA
Meetings: 2nd Wednesday, 7:30 PM-Monsignor Dowling Center, 622 North 600 East, American Fork, Utah St Peter's Catholic Church: 634 Caveman Blvd, American Fork, UT 84003
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7:30 pm 8606 Msgr. Edward F. Dowling Council (American Fork)

XXAssembly 1429 ~ Rt. Rev. Msgr. Patrick M. Cushnahan
12-11-2024   7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Assembly 1429 ~ Rt. Rev. Msgr. Patrick M. Cushnahan Ogden, Layton, Brigham City, Logan Serving Councils: 777, 5347, 6010, 9849, 12959, 14399, 16127 ~ Meetings: 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7:30 PM-Assembly alternates meeting sites. ~~~~~~~~ Assembly Meeting information copied from the Knights of Columbus, Utah State Council, Directory 2023-2024 (dated August 29, 2023).
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7:30 pm Assembly 1429 ~ Rt. Rev. Msgr. Patrick M. Cushnahan

XXFraternal Training: Grand Knight Advanced Training
12-11-2024   8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Virtual Training Webinar
December 11, 2024 8:00 PM..Grand Knight Advanced Training
Grand Knight Advanced Training
Wed, Dec 11, 2024 (8:00 PM MST)
This session builds off the "Hard Skills" of council leadership taught in the 3-part Grand Knight Training. The Advanced Training aims to enhance the "Soft Skills" of council leadership by integrating the core virtues of Charity, Unity, and Fraternity into our identity and interpersonal relationships as Knights of Columbus leaders.
Register now to join us on December 11th at 8:00 PM
If you can't join us live, the webinar will be available afterwards to watch on-demand at your convenience - sign up now to ensure you get the link for this important webinar.
To Register, please fill out the form to the right where it says, "Complete this form to enter the webcast." Then click the yellow "Submit" button.
The Fraternal Training Calendar is online at
Source: 2024.11.07 FLA Volume 111. ~

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8:00 pm Fraternal Training: Grand Knight Advanced Training


Our Lady of Guadalupe

XXBINGO (Council 14399)
12-12-2024   5:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Social Hall at Holy Family, Ogden.
Price: $15.
Name    Wilber Meier
Phone    (801) 390-9788
Every 2nd Thursday of the month.
Submitted: 2024-09-01 via the activity form.
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5:30 pm BINGO (Council 14399)

XX11479 St. Thomas More Council (Sandy)
12-12-2024   7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Saint Thomas More Catholic Church, LLC #248, 3015 Creek Rd, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84093, USA
Meetings: 2nd Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM-St. Thomas More Parish Hall, 3015 E. Creek Road, Sandy, Utah.
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7:00 pm 11479 St. Thomas More Council (Sandy)

XXAssembly 3758 ~ Monsignor John J. Sullivan
12-12-2024   7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Saint Marguerite Catholic School, 15 S 7th St, Tooele, UT 84074, USA
Assembly 3758 ~ Monsignor John J. Sullivan Tooele Ut Serving Councils: 6739, 9731, 11812, 17140 ~ Meetings: 2nd Thursday at 7:00 PM-St. Marguerite School, 15 South 7th Street Rm #5, Tooele, Utah. ~~~~~~~~ Assembly Meeting information copied from the Knights of Columbus, Utah State Council, Directory 2023-2024 (dated August 29, 2023).
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7:00 pm Assembly 3758 ~ Monsignor John J. Sullivan

XX12181 Mother Teresa of Calcutta Council (Draper)
12-12-2024   7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Coffee Room, Saint John the Baptist Parish Center, 300 East 11800 South, Draper
Meetings: Business Meetings 2nd Thursday at 7:30 PM (7:00 PM social with food/drink) in the parish "Coffee Room", Saint John the Baptist Parish Center, 300 East 11800 South, Draper
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7:30 pm 12181 Mother Teresa of Calcutta Council (Draper)

XXMembership Drive (Council 8606)
12-14-2024 - 12-15-2024
St Peter's Catholic Church, 634 Caveman Blvd, American Fork, UT 84003, USA
Membership Drive at all four (4) Masses at Father Ariel's request, coordinated by State Membership Director Bill Kelly.
Mass Schedule:
Saturday Evening Vigil:
5:30 pm (Bilingual, mostly English)
8:00 am & 10:30 am (Bilingual, mostly English)
12:30 pm (mostly Spanish)
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Membership Drive (Council 8606)

XXCoats for Kids Distribution (Assembly 1146, Councils 1136 & 9561)
12-14-2024   7:30 am - 9:00 am
Walmart Supercenter, 1206 Canyon Creek Pkwy, Spanish Fork, UT 84660, USA
Distribution 1 of 1 with Assembly 1146, Councils 1136 (Orem) & 9561 (Payson).
Time: 8:00 am (shop with a cop)
Note: The State Coats for Kids Chairman is Bob Masse Jr. PSD,, or 801-910-7885.
** In conjunction with Shop with a Cop **

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7:30 am Coats for Kids Distribution (Assembly 1146, Councils 1136 & 9561)

XX6147 Monsignor Giavonnoni Council (Price)
12-14-2024   9:00 am - 10:30 am
Notre Dame Parish Hall, 1210 No Carbon Ave, Price UT
Council meetings are now on the second (2nd) Saturday of the month @ 9:00am.
Assuming: Notre Dame Parish Hall, 1210 No Carbon Ave, Price UT
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9:00 am 6147 Monsignor Giavonnoni Council (Price)

XXFYI - Advent Retreat (Diocesan)
12-14-2024   9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church, 9757 S 1700 E, Sandy, UT 84092, USA
Diocesan Advent Retreat — Saturday, Dec. 14 at Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church, 9800 South 1700 East, Sandy, 9 a.m. to noon, beginning with a bilingual Mass with Bishop Oscar A. Solis presiding. The theme is “Preparing to Become Pilgrims of Hope.” The retreat in English will be presented in the parish hall by Fr. Langes Silva, the diocesan judicial vicar. The retreat in Spanish will be presented in the church by Fr. Victor Alvarado, parochial vicar of St. Joseph Parish, Ogden. Free.
Advent Retreat
December 14th, 2024 at 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
9800 South 1700 East
Sandy, UT 84092
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
Registration Information
Preparing to become Pilgrims of Hope
Please register to reserve your place. There is no cost for the retreat.
9am: bilingual Mass with Most Reverend Oscar Solis
10am - Noon: Retreat in English with Very Reverend Langes Silva in the parish hall
10am - Noon: Retreat in Spanish with Reverend Victor Alvarado in the church
Preparando para ser Peregrinos de la Esperanza
Por favor regístrate para reservar tu plaza. El retiro no tiene ningún coste.
9 am: Misa con el Reverendísimo Oscar Solis
10am - Mediodía: Retiro en inglés con Rev Langes Silva en el salón parro quial
10am - Mediodía: Retiro en español con Rev Victor Alvarado en la iglesia
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9:00 am FYI - Advent Retreat (Diocesan)

XXMeal After Christmas Pagent (Council 1129)
12-14-2024   12:00 pm - 12:30 pm
Saint Mary's Catholic Church, 1505 White Pne Cyn Rd, Park City, UT 84060, USA
• December 14, 2024 K of C prepare meal after Christmas Pageant St Mary’s Parish Center 12 noon ~ From Knights of Columbus Council 1129 Calendar of Events 2024-2025 updated 11/08/2024. ~ John Carty, Grand Knight (435) 655-5073
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12:00 pm Meal After Christmas Pagent (Council 1129)

XXCoats for Kids Distribution (Council 6739)
12-14-2024   4:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Saint Marguerite Catholic School, 15 S 7th St, Tooele, UT 84074, USA
Contact info
Phone    (435) 777-9503
Note: The State Coats for Kids Chairman is Bob Masse Jr. PSD, , or 801-910-7885.
Go to Event

4:00 pm Coats for Kids Distribution (Council 6739)



XXState Coats for Kids Distribution (Council 10304)
12-15-2024   9:00 am - 12:00 pm
St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church, Taylorsville, 4914 S 2200 W, Taylorsville, UT 84129, USA
State Council Coats for Kids distribution partnered with Council 10304, after CCD classes.
Note: The State Coats for Kids Chairman is Bob Masse Jr. PSD, , or 801-910-7885.
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9:00 am State Coats for Kids Distribution (Council 10304)

XXCoats for Kids Distribution (Council 6739)
12-15-2024   10:00 am - 12:30 pm
Saint Marguerite Catholic School, 15 S 7th St, Tooele, UT 84074, USA
Contact info
Phone    (435) 777-9503
Note: The State Coats for Kids Chairman is Bob Masse Jr. PSD, , or 801-910-7885.
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10:00 am Coats for Kids Distribution (Council 6739)

XXFYI - 2024 Diocesan Simbang Gabi Mass (Saint Lawrence, Heber)
12-15-2024   4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Saint Lawrence Catholic Church, Heber City, 5 S 100 W, Heber City, UT 84032, USA
2024 Diocesan Simbang Gabi (Traditional Filipino Christmas Novena of Masses)
Sun. 12/15 4pm Saint Lawrence Catholic Mission
Mon. 12/16 7pm Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church
Tue. 12/17 7pm Saint Joseph the Worker Catholic Church
Wed. 12/18 7pm Saint Martin de Porres Catholic Church
Thu. 12/19 7pm Saint Patrick Catholic Church
Fri. 12/20 Saint Peter Catholic Church
Sat. 12/21 5pm Saint Thomas More Catholic Church
Sun. 12/22 4pm Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
Mon. 12/23 7pm Saint Olaf Catholic Church
"Pasko ng Bayan" Christmas Mass on 12/25 at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church (SLC).  Everyone is welcome - bring your family and friends.
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4:00 pm FYI - 2024 Diocesan Simbang Gabi Mass (Saint Lawrence, Heber)

XXMembership Drive (Council 8606)
12-14-2024 - 12-15-2024
St Peter's Catholic Church, 634 Caveman Blvd, American Fork, UT 84003, USA
Membership Drive at all four (4) Masses at Father Ariel's request, coordinated by State Membership Director Bill Kelly.
Mass Schedule:
Saturday Evening Vigil:
5:30 pm (Bilingual, mostly English)
8:00 am & 10:30 am (Bilingual, mostly English)
12:30 pm (mostly Spanish)
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Membership Drive (Council 8606)

XX13646 St. Therese of the Child Jesus Council (Midvale)
12-16-2024   6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
624 Lennox St, Midvale, UT 84047, USA
2024.04.04.UPDATED Schedule! Meetings: 3rd Monday at 6:00 PM-St. Therese’s Parish Office, 624 W. Lennox, Midvale, Utah.
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6:00 pm 13646 St. Therese of the Child Jesus Council (Midvale)

XXFYI - 2024 Diocesan Simbang Gabi Mass (Our Lady of Guadalupe, SLC)
12-16-2024   7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, 257 N 700 W, Salt Lake City, UT 84116, USA
2024 Diocesan Simbang Gabi (Traditional Filipino Christmas Novena of Masses)
Sun. 12/15 4pm Saint Lawrence Catholic Mission
Mon. 12/16 7pm Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church
Tue. 12/17 7pm Saint Joseph the Worker Catholic Church
Wed. 12/18 7pm Saint Martin de Porres Catholic Church
Thu. 12/19 7pm Saint Patrick Catholic Church
Fri. 12/20 Saint Peter Catholic Church
Sat. 12/21 5pm Saint Thomas More Catholic Church
Sun. 12/22 4pm Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
Mon. 12/23 7pm Saint Olaf Catholic Church
"Pasko ng Bayan" Christmas Mass on 12/25 at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church (SLC).  Everyone is welcome - bring your family and friends.
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7:00 pm FYI - 2024 Diocesan Simbang Gabi Mass (Our Lady of Guadalupe, SLC)

XXFYI - Las Posadas (12/16-12/24)
12-16-2024   7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Saint Andrew Catholic Parish Church, Riverton, 11835 3600 W, Riverton, UT 84065, USA
Diocesan Posadas Schedule

Dec. 16: St. Andrew Catholic Church, 11835 South 3600 West, Riverton

Dec. 17: Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, 2840 South 9000 West, Magna

Dec. 18: St. Jude Mission, 160 E. Center St., Ephraim

Dec. 19: Notre Dame de Lourdes Catholic Church, 210 N. Carbon Ave., Price

Dec. 20: St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church, 725 South 250 East, Hyde Park

Dec. 21: St. Joseph Catholic Church, 506 24th St., Ogden

                and Santa Ana Mission, 600 North 760 West Tremonton

Dec. 22: Cathedral of the Madeleine, 309 E. South Temple, SLC;

                  and St. Mary of the Assumption Catholic Church, 1505 W. White Pine Canyon Rd., Park City

                 and St. Henry Catholic Church, 380 South 200 East, Brigham City

Dec. 23: St. Pius X Catholic Church, 112 West 400 North, Moab

Dec. 24: all parishes and missions

For times, contact the parish.

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7:00 pm FYI - Las Posadas (12/16-12/24)

XXAssembly 1570 ~ Carbon
12-17-2024   All Day Event

Assembly 1570 ~ Carbon Helper, Price, Vernal Serving Councils: 2611, 6147, 7401 ~ Meetings: 3rd Tuesday of the month-Assembly alternates meeting sites. ~~~~~~~~ Assembly Meeting information copied from the Knights of Columbus, Utah State Council, Directory 2023-2024 (dated August 29, 2023).
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Assembly 1570 ~ Carbon

XXFraternal Training: Membership Retention
12-17-2024   6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Virtual Training Webinar
December 17, 2024 6:00 PM....Membership Retention
Membership Retention
Tue, Dec 17, 2024 (6:00 PM MST)
Retention of members is an ongoing challenge that many councils struggle to meet.  Retention is much more than collecting dues and attending meetings.  Retention is about engagement.  Properly engaged members will develop into strong leaders and members for life.  Please join us for some thoughts and suggestions on membership engagement and retention.  
Register now to join us on Tuesday, December 17, 2024, at 6:00pm MST.
If you can't join us live, the webinar will be available afterwards to watch on-demand at your convenience - sign up now to ensure you get the link for this important webinar.
To Register, please fill out the form to the right where it says, "Complete this form to enter the webcast." Then click the yellow "Submit" button.
The Fraternal Training Calendar is online at
Source: 2024.11.07 FLA Volume 111. ~

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6:00 pm Fraternal Training: Membership Retention

XX12959 St. Thomas Aquinas Council (Logan)
12-17-2024   6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
St Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church, 725 S 250 E, Hyde Park, UT 84318, USA
Meetings: 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:30PM-St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Hall, 725 South 250 East, Hyde Park, UT
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6:30 pm 12959 St. Thomas Aquinas Council (Logan)

XX1136 Father Escalante (Provo)
12-17-2024   7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Saint Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, 65 W 500 N, Orem, UT 84057, USA
Meetings: 3rd Tuesday at 7:00 PM-St Francis of Assisi, 65 East 500 North, Orem.
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7:00 pm 1136 Father Escalante (Provo)

XXAssembly 3501 ~ Saint John Paul II
12-17-2024   7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Christ the King Catholic Church, 690 Cove Dr, Cedar City, UT 84720, USA
Assembly 3501 ~ Saint John Paul II Cedar City, Utah Serving Councils: 11246 ~ Meetings: 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM-Christ the King Church, 690 South Cove Dr., Cedar City, Utah, 84720 Rosary-6:30) ~~~~~~~~ Assembly Meeting information copied from the Knights of Columbus, Utah State Council, Directory 2023-2024 (dated August 29, 2023).
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7:00 pm Assembly 3501 ~ Saint John Paul II

XXFYI - 2024 Diocesan Simbang Gabi Mass (Saint Joseph the Worker, West Jordan)
12-17-2024   7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Saint Joseph the Worker Catholic Church, 7405 S Redwood Rd, West Jordan, UT 84084, USA
2024 Diocesan Simbang Gabi (Traditional Filipino Christmas Novena of Masses)
Sun. 12/15 4pm Saint Lawrence Catholic Mission
Mon. 12/16 7pm Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church
Tue. 12/17 7pm Saint Joseph the Worker Catholic Church
Wed. 12/18 7pm Saint Martin de Porres Catholic Church
Thu. 12/19 7pm Saint Patrick Catholic Church
Fri. 12/20 Saint Peter Catholic Church
Sat. 12/21 5pm Saint Thomas More Catholic Church
Sun. 12/22 4pm Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
Mon. 12/23 7pm Saint Olaf Catholic Church
"Pasko ng Bayan" Christmas Mass on 12/25 at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church (SLC).  Everyone is welcome - bring your family and friends.
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7:00 pm FYI - 2024 Diocesan Simbang Gabi Mass (Saint Joseph the Worker, West Jordan)

XXKCIC Poster Judging (Council 1129)
12-18-2024   All Day Event

• December 11 and 18, 2024 Judging St. Mary’s and St. Lawrence “Keep Christ in Christmas” posters. Immediately after the Knights meetings ~ From Knights of Columbus Council 1129 Calendar of Events 2024-2025 as of July 8, 2024.   ~ John Carty, Grand Knight (435) 655-5073
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KCIC Poster Judging (Council 1129)

XX7961 St. Joseph the Worker Council (West Jordan)
12-18-2024   7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Saint Joseph the Worker Catholic Church, 7405 S Redwood Rd, West Jordan, UT 84084, USA
Meetings: 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7:00 PM- St. Joseph the Worker Parish Hall, 7405 So. Redwood Road, West Jordan, Utah.
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7:00 pm 7961 St. Joseph the Worker Council (West Jordan)

XXAssembly 2636 ~ Padre Pio
12-18-2024   7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Assembly 2636 ~ Padre Pio Park City and East Salt Lake Area Serving Councils: 1129,14764, 15418 ~ Meetings: 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM. Assembly alternates meeting sites. ~~~~~~~~ Assembly Meeting information copied from the Knights of Columbus, Utah State Council, Directory 2023-2024 (dated August 29, 2023).
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7:00 pm Assembly 2636 ~ Padre Pio

XXFYI - 2024 Diocesan Simbang Gabi Mass (Saint Martin de Porres, Taylorsville)
12-18-2024   7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church, Taylorsville, 4914 S 2200 W, Taylorsville, UT 84129, USA
2024 Diocesan Simbang Gabi (Traditional Filipino Christmas Novena of Masses)
Sun. 12/15 4pm Saint Lawrence Catholic Mission
Mon. 12/16 7pm Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church
Tue. 12/17 7pm Saint Joseph the Worker Catholic Church
Wed. 12/18 7pm Saint Martin de Porres Catholic Church
Thu. 12/19 7pm Saint Patrick Catholic Church
Fri. 12/20 Saint Peter Catholic Church
Sat. 12/21 5pm Saint Thomas More Catholic Church
Sun. 12/22 4pm Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
Mon. 12/23 7pm Saint Olaf Catholic Church
"Pasko ng Bayan" Christmas Mass on 12/25 at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church (SLC).  Everyone is welcome - bring your family and friends.
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7:00 pm FYI - 2024 Diocesan Simbang Gabi Mass (Saint Martin de Porres, Taylorsville)

XXAssembly 2393 ~ Bishop Scanlan
12-19-2024   6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
St George Catholic Church, 259 W 200 N, St. George, UT 84770, USA
Assembly 2393 ~ Bishop Scanlan St. George Serving Councils: 10733 ~ Meetings: 3rd Thursday, Kuzy Hall, 259 West 200 North, St. George, Utah-6:30 PM-Rosary, 7:00 PM Meeting ~~~~~~~~ Assembly Meeting information copied from the Knights of Columbus, Utah State Council, Directory 2023-2024 (dated August 29, 2023).
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6:30 pm Assembly 2393 ~ Bishop Scanlan

XX7401 Bishop Scanlan Council (Vernal)
12-19-2024   7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
138 N 100 W, Vernal, UT 84078, USA
Meetings: 3rd Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM-St. James the Greater, 138 No. 100 West, Vernal.
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7:00 pm 7401 Bishop Scanlan Council (Vernal)

XX9561 Fr Dominguez Council (Payson) Mtg 2 of 2
12-19-2024   7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
San Andres Catholic Church, 315 E 100 N, Payson, UT 84651, USA
Meetings: 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM-St. Andres Parish Hall, 315 East 100 North, Payson, Utah
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7:00 pm 9561 Fr Dominguez Council (Payson) Mtg 2 of 2

XXAssembly 1144 ~ Father Francisco Atanasio Dominguez
12-19-2024   7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
St. Martin De Porres Catholic Church, 4914 S 2200 W, Taylorsville, UT 84129, USA
Assembly 1144 ~ Father Francisco Atanasio Dominguez Salt Lake Area, Tooele, Wendover Serving Councils: 5214, 7961, 8350, 10304 ~ Meetings: 3rd Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM. Refer to the assembly monthly schedule for location and/or contact FN. ~~~~~~~~ Assembly Meeting information copied from the Knights of Columbus, Utah State Council, Directory 2023-2024 (dated August 29, 2023).
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7:00 pm Assembly 1144 ~ Father Francisco Atanasio Dominguez

XXFYI - 2024 Diocesan Simbang Gabi Mass (Saint Patrick, SLC)
12-19-2024   7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
St. Patrick Roman Catholic Church, 1058 W 400 S, Salt Lake City, UT 84104, USA
2024 Diocesan Simbang Gabi (Traditional Filipino Christmas Novena of Masses)
Sun. 12/15 4pm Saint Lawrence Catholic Mission
Mon. 12/16 7pm Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church
Tue. 12/17 7pm Saint Joseph the Worker Catholic Church
Wed. 12/18 7pm Saint Martin de Porres Catholic Church
Thu. 12/19 7pm Saint Patrick Catholic Church
Fri. 12/20 Saint Peter Catholic Church
Sat. 12/21 5pm Saint Thomas More Catholic Church
Sun. 12/22 4pm Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
Mon. 12/23 7pm Saint Olaf Catholic Church
"Pasko ng Bayan" Christmas Mass on 12/25 at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church (SLC).  Everyone is welcome - bring your family and friends.
Go to Event

7:00 pm FYI - 2024 Diocesan Simbang Gabi Mass (Saint Patrick, SLC)

XXState Soccer Challenge Winners Due {Red}
12-20-2024   All Day Event
Go to Event

State Soccer Challenge Winners Due {Red}

XXFYI - 2024 Diocesan Simbang Gabi Mass (Saint Peter, American Fork)
12-20-2024   7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
St Peter's Catholic Church, 634 Caveman Blvd, American Fork, UT 84003, USA
2024 Diocesan Simbang Gabi (Traditional Filipino Christmas Novena of Masses)
Sun. 12/15 4pm Saint Lawrence Catholic Mission
Mon. 12/16 7pm Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church
Tue. 12/17 7pm Saint Joseph the Worker Catholic Church
Wed. 12/18 7pm Saint Martin de Porres Catholic Church
Thu. 12/19 7pm Saint Patrick Catholic Church
Fri. 12/20 Saint Peter Catholic Church
Sat. 12/21 5pm Saint Thomas More Catholic Church
Sun. 12/22 4pm Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
Mon. 12/23 7pm Saint Olaf Catholic Church
"Pasko ng Bayan" Christmas Mass on 12/25 at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church (SLC).  Everyone is welcome - bring your family and friends.
Go to Event

7:00 pm FYI - 2024 Diocesan Simbang Gabi Mass (Saint Peter, American Fork)

XXFYI - 2024 Diocesan Simbang Gabi Mass (Saint Thomas More, Cottonwood Heights)
12-21-2024   5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Saint Thomas More Catholic Church, 3015 Creek Rd, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84093, USA
2024 Diocesan Simbang Gabi (Traditional Filipino Christmas Novena of Masses)
Sun. 12/15 4pm Saint Lawrence Catholic Mission
Mon. 12/16 7pm Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church
Tue. 12/17 7pm Saint Joseph the Worker Catholic Church
Wed. 12/18 7pm Saint Martin de Porres Catholic Church
Thu. 12/19 7pm Saint Patrick Catholic Church
Fri. 12/20 Saint Peter Catholic Church
Sat. 12/21 5pm Saint Thomas More Catholic Church
Sun. 12/22 4pm Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
Mon. 12/23 7pm Saint Olaf Catholic Church
"Pasko ng Bayan" Christmas Mass on 12/25 at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church (SLC).  Everyone is welcome - bring your family and friends.
Go to Event

5:00 pm FYI - 2024 Diocesan Simbang Gabi Mass (Saint Thomas More, Cottonwood Heights)

XXFather McGivney's Ordination (1877)
12-22-2024   All Day Event

Father McGivney was ordained a priest on December 22, 1877, by Archbishop James Gibbons at the Baltimore Cathedral of the Assumption.
Michael McGivney was ordained by Archbishop (later Cardinal) James Gibbons on Dec. 22, 1877, at the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Baltimore. Just three days later, on Christmas Day, he celebrated his first public Mass at Immaculate Conception Church in Waterbury, Connecticut, with his widowed mother and siblings in attendance. This marked the beginning of his priestly journey — first as the curate (assistant) of St. Mary’s Church, the first Catholic parish of New Haven. You can learn more about his life as a parish priest here.
December 22, 1877 – After completing four years of theological studies at St. Mary’s Seminary in Baltimore, the nation’s first Catholic seminary, Michael Joseph McGivney is ordained to the sacred priesthood in the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The ordaining prelate was Archbishop (later Cardinal) James Gibbons of Baltimore.
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Father McGivney's Ordination (1877)


XXFYI - 2024 Diocesan Simbang Gabi Mass (Blessed Sacrament, Sandy)
12-22-2024   4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church, 9757 S 1700 E, Sandy, UT 84092, USA
2024 Diocesan Simbang Gabi (Traditional Filipino Christmas Novena of Masses)
Sun. 12/15 4pm Saint Lawrence Catholic Mission
Mon. 12/16 7pm Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church
Tue. 12/17 7pm Saint Joseph the Worker Catholic Church
Wed. 12/18 7pm Saint Martin de Porres Catholic Church
Thu. 12/19 7pm Saint Patrick Catholic Church
Fri. 12/20 Saint Peter Catholic Church
Sat. 12/21 5pm Saint Thomas More Catholic Church
Sun. 12/22 4pm Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
Mon. 12/23 7pm Saint Olaf Catholic Church
"Pasko ng Bayan" Christmas Mass on 12/25 at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church (SLC).  Everyone is welcome - bring your family and friends.
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4:00 pm FYI - 2024 Diocesan Simbang Gabi Mass (Blessed Sacrament, Sandy)

XXFYI - 2024 Diocesan Simbang Gabi Mass (Saint Olaf, Bountiful)
12-23-2024   7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Saint Olaf Catholic Church, 276 E 1700 S, Bountiful, UT 84010, USA
2024 Diocesan Simbang Gabi (Traditional Filipino Christmas Novena of Masses)
Sun. 12/15 4pm Saint Lawrence Catholic Mission
Mon. 12/16 7pm Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church
Tue. 12/17 7pm Saint Joseph the Worker Catholic Church
Wed. 12/18 7pm Saint Martin de Porres Catholic Church
Thu. 12/19 7pm Saint Patrick Catholic Church
Fri. 12/20 Saint Peter Catholic Church
Sat. 12/21 5pm Saint Thomas More Catholic Church
Sun. 12/22 4pm Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
Mon. 12/23 7pm Saint Olaf Catholic Church
"Pasko ng Bayan" Christmas Mass on 12/25 at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church (SLC).  Everyone is welcome - bring your family and friends.
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7:00 pm FYI - 2024 Diocesan Simbang Gabi Mass (Saint Olaf, Bountiful)

XXChristmas Eve
12-24-2024   All Day Event
HDO = Holy Day of Obligation (USA)
In addition to Sunday, the days to be observed as holy days of obligation in the Latin Rite dioceses of the United States of America, in conformity with canon 1246, are as follows:
* January 1, the solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
* Thursday of the Sixth Week of Easter, the solemnity of the Ascension
* August 15, the solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
* November 1, the solemnity of All Saints
* December 8, the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception
* December 25, the solemnity of the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Whenever January 1, the solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, or August 15, the solemnity of the Assumption, or November 1, the solemnity of All Saints, falls on a Saturday or on a Monday, the precept to attend Mass is abrogated.
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Christmas Eve

12-25-2024   All Day Event
HDO = Holy Day of Obligation (USA)
In addition to Sunday, the days to be observed as holy days of obligation in the Latin Rite dioceses of the United States of America, in conformity with canon 1246, are as follows:
* January 1, the solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
* Thursday of the Sixth Week of Easter, the solemnity of the Ascension
* August 15, the solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
* November 1, the solemnity of All Saints
* December 8, the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception
* December 25, the solemnity of the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Whenever January 1, the solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, or August 15, the solemnity of the Assumption, or November 1, the solemnity of All Saints, falls on a Saturday or on a Monday, the precept to attend Mass is abrogated.
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XXFYI - 2024 Diocesan "Pasko ng Bayan" Christmas Mass (OLL, SLC)
12-25-2024   3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, 670 1100 E, Salt Lake City, UT 84102, USA
2024 Diocesan Simbang Gabi (Traditional Filipino Christmas Novena of Masses)
Sun. 12/15 4pm Saint Lawrence Catholic Mission
Mon. 12/16 7pm Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church
Tue. 12/17 7pm Saint Joseph the Worker Catholic Church
Wed. 12/18 7pm Saint Martin de Porres Catholic Church
Thu. 12/19 7pm Saint Patrick Catholic Church
Fri. 12/20 Saint Peter Catholic Church
Sat. 12/21 5pm Saint Thomas More Catholic Church
Sun. 12/22 4pm Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
Mon. 12/23 7pm Saint Olaf Catholic Church
"Pasko ng Bayan" Christmas Mass on 12/25 at 3:30 pm at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church (SLC).  Everyone is welcome - bring your family and friends.
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3:30 pm FYI - 2024 Diocesan "Pasko ng Bayan" Christmas Mass (OLL, SLC)

XXAssembly 3586 ~ Rev. Msgr. Robert C. Pollock
12-25-2024   7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Assembly 3586 ~ Rev. Msgr. Robert C. Pollock Bountiful, Utah. Serving Councils: 602, 5502, 12264, 15741, 16006 ~ Meetings: FOURTH Wednesday of the month at 7:00 PM-Assembly alternates meeting sites. ~~~~~~~~ Assembly Meeting information copied from the Knights of Columbus, Utah State Council, Directory 2023-2024 (dated August 29, 2023).
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7:00 pm Assembly 3586 ~ Rev. Msgr. Robert C. Pollock


Saint Stephen's Day


Saint John, Apostle & Evangelist

XXUTAH DEADLINE: Catholic Citizenship Essay Contest - Council 1st Place Winners to District Deputy
12-27-2024   All Day Event ~~ Confirm with your District Deputy when he wants your council's winning essays. ~~ ~~ Councils can determine their own prizes of cash and/or certificates and/or something else. The State will award certificates and an award for $50, $30, or $20 for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winning essays in each grade. Remember, this a Faith in Action Community Program.
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UTAH DEADLINE: Catholic Citizenship Essay Contest - Council 1st Place Winners to District Deputy

XXUTAH DEADLINE: KCIC Poster Contest - Council 1st Place Winners to District Deputy
12-27-2024   All Day Event
Confirm with your District Deputy when he wants your council's winning posters.
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UTAH DEADLINE: KCIC Poster Contest - Council 1st Place Winners to District Deputy

XXBlood Drive (Council 1129)
12-27-2024   12:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Saint Mary's Catholic Church, 1505 White Pne Cyn Rd, Park City, UT 84060, USA
• December 27, 2024 Blood Drive Parish Center 12 noon -6 PM ~ From Knights of Columbus Council 1129 Calendar of Events 2024-2025 as of July 8, 2024.   ~ John Carty, Grand Knight (435) 655-5073
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12:00 pm Blood Drive (Council 1129)


Holy Innocents

XXCANCELED: Big Night Out (Council 13297)
12-28-2024   6:30 pm - 11:59 pm

2024.07.11.Message from GK to Council 13297:

Saturday December 28th -- Big Night Out in Holy Family Hall at 6:30 PM. Details TBD 
Michael Goleniewski, GK

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6:30 pm CANCELED: Big Night Out (Council 13297)

12-29-2024   All Day Event
Feast of The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
Program Information:
Please Note: Although this consecration is traditionally celebrated around the Feast of the Holy Family, councils are encouraged to hold this program at any time during the year.
The Feast is held on the Sunday between Christmas and New Year's Day; If both are Sundays, the feast is celebrated on December 30th.

For 2022: Since a Sunday does not occur between December 25 and January 1, 2023, the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph is celebrated on Friday, December 30 with only one reading before the Gospel.
As stated in the Faith in Action Guidebook, 
Strengthen families and revitalize our parishes.  To help families live out the joy of Christ, Supreme Chaplain Archbishop William Lori has composed a prayer through which families will come together to consecrate themselves under the protection of the Holy Family. In this prayer, we ask for the aid or intercession of the perfect son Jesus Christ, Mary the perfect mother, and Joseph who is a model for every father.   

Seeking to strengthen families and revitalize our parishes, councils will guide their parishes and community to understand and offer this important and impactful prayer. Preparing for the Consecration to the Holy Family is not a single event. It is choosing a way of life for your family. Through this consecration, each participant is consciously choosing to be a beacon of God’s love through his Church.   

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XX12264 St. Patrick Council (Salt Lake City)
12-30-2024   6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
St. Patrick Roman Catholic Church, 1040 W 400 S, Salt Lake City, UT 84104, USA
Meetings: Last Monday at 6:30 PM-St. Joseph Meeting Hall, 1040 W. 400 South, Salt Lake City, Utah.
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6:30 pm 12264 St. Patrick Council (Salt Lake City)

XXCouncil Catholic Citizenship Essays DUE {Red}
12-31-2024   All Day Event
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Council Catholic Citizenship Essays DUE {Red}

XXNew Year’s Eve {Holiday}
12-31-2024   All Day Event

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New Year’s Eve {Holiday}

XXNew Year's Eve Party (Council 14239)
12-31-2024   7:00 pm - 1:00 am
Saint Andrew Catholic Parish Church, Riverton, 11835 3600 W, Riverton, UT 84065, USA
Tickets: ~~ Flyer: ~~ Early bird pricing is $75/person (will go up to $90/person).  Prime rib dinner, dancing, champagne toast. Contact GK 14239 Bob Diaz for information at 208-685-9726.
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7:00 pm New Year's Eve Party (Council 14239)