Rayfel M. Bachiller

Rayfel M. Bachiller

2022.10.30. Rest in Peace Sir Knight Ray.  (obituary).  Visitation and funeral Mass video. Note: The Marine Corps Birthday Ball on November 12, 2022 is still happening. 2022-2023 Fisher House Chairman 2022-2023 District #03 Warden 2021-2022 APSC Chairman 2021-2022...

John P. Wainscott

2024-2025 Ultrasound Chairman 2021-2022 State Council Advisor 2020-2021 State Council Advisor VAVS Deputy Representative 2003-2004 State Deputy, Utah 2002-2003 State Deputy, Utah Phone: (801) 550-6677

Arthur A Grant

2024-2025 Honest Abe 2021-2022 Promotional Sales Chair 2020-2021 Promotional Sales Chair 2019-2020 District Deputy 007 (6966, 13297, 13646) 2019-2020 Promotional Sales Chair 2019-2020 Scouting Chairman 2018-2019 District Deputy 007 (6966, 13297, 13646) 2018-2019...