2024-2025 Life Director: Utah
2023-2024 Life Director, Utah
2022-2023 Life Director, Utah
2021-2022 Life Director
2021-2022 Advocate, Council 12181
2021-2022 Life Director, Council 12181
2020-2021 Warden, Council 12181
2020-2021 Faithful Outer Sentinel, Assembly 2577
XX[3/5-4/13] 40 Days for Life (Spring 2025) 03-05-2025 - 04-13-2025 Planned Parenthood - Metro Health Center, 160 S 1000 E #120, Salt Lake City, UT 84102, USA https://utahknights.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/20250305-40-Days-for-Life-Spring-2025-Flyer.pdf ~~ HELP SAVE LIVES IN SALT LAKE CITY! ~ What is 40 Days for Life? It is a 40-day campaign that aims to end abortion locally through prayer & fasting, peaceful hourly vigils, and community outreach. Although the U.S. Supreme Court decided in Dobbs v. Jackson that the Constitution has no provision for abortion; sadly in Utah, elective abortions are still being conducted. ~ Why 40 Days? Throughout Biblical history, God has used 40-day periods to transform individuals, communities, and nations... * Noah was transformed by 40 days of rain. * Moses was transformed by 40 days on Mount Sinai * David was transformed by Goliath's 40 day challenge ~~ How can I get involved? Prayer & Fasting: Ask for 40 Days Devotional Booklets (E-mail Contact below). ~ Peaceful Vigils: Sign-up for one hour a week on the website (below) to pray with a buddy for the end of abortion. We value your time and effort, so if you can't commit weekly, just show up when you can (with a buddy). ~~ Vigil Location: Outside Planned Parenthood Metro, 160 S. 1000 East 84102 ~~ Vigil Hours: Between 7am – 7pm, Monday-Sunday starting Wed. March 5 through Sun. April 13th. ~~ Community Outreach: Show your support. E-mail requests for Yard signs and Bumper stickers. We deliver. ~ Contact: Barbara Granja, 40DaysforLife.SLC@gmail.com, 385-799-5433 40daysforlife.com/SaltLakeCity ~~Please join us for the Kick-Off Prayer Rally – Tue. March 04 @ 5:30pm. Outside Planned Parenthood Metro 160 S. 1000 East Go to Event 03-05-2025 - 04-13-2025 [3/5-4/13] 40 Days for Life (Spring 2025)
XXFounder's Day {GOLD} 03-29-2025 All Day Event Remember 2020? https://www.kofc.org/en/news-room/articles/looking-to-fr-mcgivney-during-pandemic.html Go to Event All Day Founder's Day {GOLD}
XXHG: New Ceremonial (125th Anniversary) (A2577) 03-29-2025 1:30 pm - 7:15 pm Saint Vincent de Paul Catholic Church, Holladay, 1375 Spring Ln, Holladay, UT 84117, USA https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0949A4A72FAAF5C16-55738856-exemplification ~~ https://tinyurl.com/UT4th125 ~~ https://utahknights.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/20250329-A2577-Fourth-Degree-Exemplification-Invitation-QRcode.pdf ~~ https://utahknights.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/20250329-A2577-Fourth-Degree-Exemplification-125-Flyer.pdf ~~ Schedule: 11:00 AM Setup Chamber (Ceremonial team, volunteers) [Benvegnu Center] 01:30 PM Color Corps assemble, practice [Benvegnu Center] 02:00 PM Registration starts (candidate check-in) [Benvegnu Center] 02:45 PM Registration closes [Benvegnu Center] 03:00 PM Degree Exemplification Begins (with Families and Guests) (HG, CG) [Benvegnu Center] 04:30 PM Ceremonial Complete, HG assembles for Mass [Church] 05:00 PM Mass (HG) [Church] 06:15 PM Social [Holy Family Hall] 07:00 PM Banquet Dinner, (CG) [Holy Family Hall] ~~ Host Assembly: 2577 ~ http://utahknights.org/assembly/2577/ Go to Event 1:30 pm HG: New Ceremonial (125th Anniversary) (A2577)
XX4-Patriotic (New) Live (English/Spanish) Saint Vincent de Paul, Holladay 03-29-2025 2:00 pm - 8:30 pm Saint Vincent de Paul Catholic Church, Holladay, 1375 Spring Ln, Holladay, UT 84117, USA https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0949A4A72FAAF5C16-55738856-exemplification ~~ https://tinyurl.com/UT4th125 ~~ https://utahknights.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/20250329-A2577-Fourth-Degree-Exemplification-Invitation-QRcode.pdf ~~ https://utahknights.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/20250329-A2577-Fourth-Degree-Exemplification-125-Flyer.pdf ~~ Schedule: 11:00 AM Setup Chamber (Ceremonial team, volunteers) [Benvegnu Center] 01:30 PM Color Corps assemble, practice [Benvegnu Center] 02:00 PM Registration starts (candidate check-in) [Benvegnu Center] 02:45 PM Registration closes [Benvegnu Center] 03:00 PM Degree Exemplification Begins (with Families and Guests) (HG, CG) [Benvegnu Center] 04:30 PM Ceremonial Complete, HG assembles for Mass [church] 05:00 PM Mass (HG) [Church] 06:15 PM Social [Holy Family Hall] 07:00 PM Banquet Dinner, (CG) [Holy Family Hall] ~~ Host Assembly: 2577 ~ http://utahknights.org/assembly/2577/ Go to Event 2:00 pm 4-Patriotic (New) Live (English/Spanish) Saint Vincent de Paul, Holladay
XXSave The Date: UTAH has New 4th Degree! 125 Candidates! 03-29-2025 2:00 pm - 8:30 pm Saint Vincent de Paul Catholic Church, Holladay, 1375 Spring Ln, Holladay, UT 84117, USA https://tinyurl.com/UT4th125 ~~ Rough/Draft Schedule: 2:00 PM Candidate Check-in (Benvegnu Center) 3:00 PM Ceremonial Starts (Benvegnu Center) 4:30 PM Ceremonial Complete, Mass Honor Guard assembles 5:00 PM Mass (Church) 6:15 PM Social (Holy Family Hall) 7:00 PM Dinner Banquet (Holy Family Hall) ~~2024.11.18: Details TBA. Expect location to be in Salt Lake County. Contact District Master Nick Nielson for information. Go to Event 2:00 pm Save The Date: UTAH has New 4th Degree! 125 Candidates!
XXFOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT 03-30-2025 All Day Event https://www.usccb.org/resources/liturgical-calendar-dioceses-united-states-america ~ 12/2024-11/2025 https://www.usccb.org/resources/2025cal.pdf ~ Go to Event All Day FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT
XXBreakfast (Council 14399) 03-30-2025 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Holy Family Catholic Church, 1100 E 5550 S, Ogden, UT 84403, USA Location: Holy Family Social Hall (1100 E 5550 S, S Ogden, Utah 84403). ~ Cost? Donation. ~ Breakfast Menu: eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, fruit, pastries, juice, milk, coffee ~ Contact info Name Mike McMahon Email mmcmahon@ernestpkg.com Phone (801) 809-8480 ~~ Breakfasts: 3/30, 4/27, 5/18. Go to Event 9:00 am Breakfast (Council 14399)
XXExtended DEADLINE: To Be A Patriot Award (Assembly to District Master) 04-01-2025 All Day Event To Be A Patriot Awards Program - FINAL deadline. 3/15 is the usual deadline, but the Assembly Growth/Plan Worksheet had 4/1 as the date, so there was a little extension. ~ Entry Form: https://www.kofc.org/en/forms/council/to_be_a_patriot_p.pdf ~ 3/15 is deadline for assemblies to District Master so the winner can be announced and recognized at the Utah State Convention. ~ 4/30 deadline is if the assembly just needs to "check the box" for the Civic Award ~ Go to Event All Day Extended DEADLINE: To Be A Patriot Award (Assembly to District Master)
XXLinks: 2024-2025 Fraternal Success Planner + More! (PDF) 04-01-2025 All Day Event Fraternal Planner 2024-2025 [5033 1/24, 52 pages] https://www.kofc.org/un/en/resources/membership/fraternal-leader-success-planner5033.pdf ~~ Utah KofC Activity Publicity Form https://www.cognitoforms.com/UTKofC/UTKofCActivityForm ~~ Faith in Action Guidebook [10907 9/23, 24 pages] https://www.kofc.org/en/resources/faith-in-action-programs/overview/10907-faith-in-action-guidebook.pdf ~~ Protocol, Meetings, and Ceremonials [11620 1/24, 96 pages] https://www.kofc.org/en/resources/for-members/11620-protocol-meetings-and-ceremonials.pdf ~~ Fraternal Excellence Guide (Practical Information for Council and District Officers) ~ Effective July 1, 2024 [11619 2/24, 64 pages] https://www.kofc.org/en/resources/for-members/11619-fraternal-excellence-guide.pdf ~~ Leadership Resources and Guides https://kofc.org/formembers -> Fraternal Operations -> Fraternal Leader Resources https://www.kofc.org/en/for-members/resources/fraternal-operations.html?1tab=1tab2&icon-tabs=2 LEADERSHIP RESOURCES & GUIDESUse these documents as tools to enhance your knowledge as a fraternal leader in the Knights of Columbus. The instructions, rules and advice provided in these resources will help you in setting an example of charity, unity and fraternity.
~~~~ https://utahknights.org/secrecy/#GoogleCalendarLinks ~~~~ Training - Officer Resources https://www.kofc.org/en/for-members/resources/fraternal-training/top-officer-resources-page.html ~~~~ Grand Knight Responsibilities (Has the OLD Meeting Agenda) [1937 5/15] https://www.kofc.org/un/en/resources/officers/gk_responsibilities.pdf ~~ CUF Ceremonial Invitations: English: https://www.kofc.org/apps/resources/invitation-en.pdf Spanish: https://www.kofc.org/apps/resources/invitation-en.pdf French: https://www.kofc.org/apps/resources/invitation-fr.pdf ~~ Fraternal Planner Color Coding: Forms or Event Deadlines {RED} 2024-2025 Important Dates {GOLD} 2024-2025 Membership Activities {Light Green} 2024-2025 Programming Activities {Dark Green} 2024-2025 Little change in the colors from 2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 (Previously membership was green, and programming was purple, Supreme Office Events were tan) Go to Event All Day Links: 2024-2025 Fraternal Success Planner + More! (PDF)
Have an upcoming Knights event to promote? Use this form Click Here – UT KofC Event Form