About Kenneth Grace

2023-2024 Family Director, Utah

2022-2023 District Warden 004 (1136, 8606, 9561)

Council 1136

Coming Events

XXFather McGivney's Ordination (1877)
12-22-2024   All Day Event

Father McGivney was ordained a priest on December 22, 1877, by Archbishop James Gibbons at the Baltimore Cathedral of the Assumption.
Michael McGivney was ordained by Archbishop (later Cardinal) James Gibbons on Dec. 22, 1877, at the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Baltimore. Just three days later, on Christmas Day, he celebrated his first public Mass at Immaculate Conception Church in Waterbury, Connecticut, with his widowed mother and siblings in attendance. This marked the beginning of his priestly journey — first as the curate (assistant) of St. Mary’s Church, the first Catholic parish of New Haven. You can learn more about his life as a parish priest here.
December 22, 1877 – After completing four years of theological studies at St. Mary’s Seminary in Baltimore, the nation’s first Catholic seminary, Michael Joseph McGivney is ordained to the sacred priesthood in the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The ordaining prelate was Archbishop (later Cardinal) James Gibbons of Baltimore.
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All Day Father McGivney's Ordination (1877)
XXFYI - 2024 Diocesan Simbang Gabi Mass (Blessed Sacrament, Sandy)
12-22-2024   4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church, 9757 S 1700 E, Sandy, UT 84092, USA
2024 Diocesan Simbang Gabi (Traditional Filipino Christmas Novena of Masses)
Sun. 12/15 4pm Saint Lawrence Catholic Mission
Mon. 12/16 7pm Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church
Tue. 12/17 7pm Saint Joseph the Worker Catholic Church
Wed. 12/18 7pm Saint Martin de Porres Catholic Church
Thu. 12/19 7pm Saint Patrick Catholic Church
Fri. 12/20 Saint Peter Catholic Church
Sat. 12/21 5pm Saint Thomas More Catholic Church
Sun. 12/22 4pm Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
Mon. 12/23 7pm Saint Olaf Catholic Church
"Pasko ng Bayan" Christmas Mass on 12/25 at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church (SLC).  Everyone is welcome - bring your family and friends.
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4:00 pm FYI - 2024 Diocesan Simbang Gabi Mass (Blessed Sacrament, Sandy)
XXFYI - 2024 Diocesan Simbang Gabi Mass (Saint Olaf, Bountiful)
12-23-2024   7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Saint Olaf Catholic Church, 276 E 1700 S, Bountiful, UT 84010, USA
2024 Diocesan Simbang Gabi (Traditional Filipino Christmas Novena of Masses)
Sun. 12/15 4pm Saint Lawrence Catholic Mission
Mon. 12/16 7pm Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church
Tue. 12/17 7pm Saint Joseph the Worker Catholic Church
Wed. 12/18 7pm Saint Martin de Porres Catholic Church
Thu. 12/19 7pm Saint Patrick Catholic Church
Fri. 12/20 Saint Peter Catholic Church
Sat. 12/21 5pm Saint Thomas More Catholic Church
Sun. 12/22 4pm Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
Mon. 12/23 7pm Saint Olaf Catholic Church
"Pasko ng Bayan" Christmas Mass on 12/25 at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church (SLC).  Everyone is welcome - bring your family and friends.
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7:00 pm FYI - 2024 Diocesan Simbang Gabi Mass (Saint Olaf, Bountiful)
XXChristmas Eve
12-24-2024   All Day Event

12/2024-11/2025 https://www.usccb.org/resources/2025cal.pdf
HDO = Holy Day of Obligation (USA)
In addition to Sunday, the days to be observed as holy days of obligation in the Latin Rite dioceses of the United States of America, in conformity with canon 1246, are as follows:
* January 1, the solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
* Thursday of the Sixth Week of Easter, the solemnity of the Ascension
* August 15, the solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
* November 1, the solemnity of All Saints
* December 8, the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception
* December 25, the solemnity of the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Whenever January 1, the solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, or August 15, the solemnity of the Assumption, or November 1, the solemnity of All Saints, falls on a Saturday or on a Monday, the precept to attend Mass is abrogated.
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All Day Christmas Eve
12-25-2024   All Day Event

12/2024-11/2025 https://www.usccb.org/resources/2025cal.pdf
HDO = Holy Day of Obligation (USA)
In addition to Sunday, the days to be observed as holy days of obligation in the Latin Rite dioceses of the United States of America, in conformity with canon 1246, are as follows:
* January 1, the solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
* Thursday of the Sixth Week of Easter, the solemnity of the Ascension
* August 15, the solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
* November 1, the solemnity of All Saints
* December 8, the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception
* December 25, the solemnity of the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Whenever January 1, the solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, or August 15, the solemnity of the Assumption, or November 1, the solemnity of All Saints, falls on a Saturday or on a Monday, the precept to attend Mass is abrogated.
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XXFYI - 2024 Diocesan "Pasko ng Bayan" Christmas Mass (OLL, SLC)
12-25-2024   3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, 670 1100 E, Salt Lake City, UT 84102, USA
2024 Diocesan Simbang Gabi (Traditional Filipino Christmas Novena of Masses)
Sun. 12/15 4pm Saint Lawrence Catholic Mission
Mon. 12/16 7pm Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church
Tue. 12/17 7pm Saint Joseph the Worker Catholic Church
Wed. 12/18 7pm Saint Martin de Porres Catholic Church
Thu. 12/19 7pm Saint Patrick Catholic Church
Fri. 12/20 Saint Peter Catholic Church
Sat. 12/21 5pm Saint Thomas More Catholic Church
Sun. 12/22 4pm Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
Mon. 12/23 7pm Saint Olaf Catholic Church
"Pasko ng Bayan" Christmas Mass on 12/25 at 3:30 pm at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church (SLC).  Everyone is welcome - bring your family and friends.
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3:30 pm FYI - 2024 Diocesan "Pasko ng Bayan" Christmas Mass (OLL, SLC)
All Day Saint Stephen's Day
All Day Saint John, Apostle & Evangelist

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